I'm in trouble, I'm an addict...

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I'm addicted to this girl BOY, she's HE'S
got my heart tied in a knot and my stomach in a whirl
and even worse I can't stop calling her HIM he's all i want and more
I mean damn, what's not to adore?

Here is a word of advice of something you shouldn't do to your significant other: talk to her some while you're on the phone with here, even if your friends are over, or don't bother calling at all.

Seriously. It pisses me off big time when Cody does it to me. It makes me feel so... forgotten. It's been fifteen minutes since I've said something, because he and his friend Luke are playing a game. They're talking tactics, and yelling about something, and it's really awkward because I don't know what they're talking about... >_>; I just heard Luke scream ANNIHILATION! Seriously, WTF?

But I cannot help but be head over heels for him, and I think that it is a bad thing. I've never felt so loved in my life by anyone of the opposite gender, and this feeling is facking phenomenal. But I think I am one who is too clingy to everyone and everything, and I get to liking people right away. Which is why I've been hurt so many times. Especially that thirty minute boyfriend. [which is another story for another post...]

My friend showed me this new game today. Well... It's more like an arcade of online games. It's http://www.omgpop.com. It's really fun. I love that site to death. I've been playing it allllll day, seriously, and it's bothering me that I'm getting addicted to these games so easily. x3

I learned how to play this song on the guitar today. I know the procession of chords, I just need to learn the strumming patterns... xD It's called YourBiggestFan, by NeverShoutNever!

I kinda suck, still, but... oh well. :]

I love yew all. <3

PS. Still comment me. I'm feeling more unloved. D:
