I know everything you do is all about your perfect image...

External Image

If fate would be ever so kind
to allow us to physically meet,
even if just for one day,
What is it that you would do?
Upon meeting, would it just
be a soft and shy 'hello'?
Or would it be something of
A hug, and spinning around,
ever so ever carefree and
living in the moment instead
of everything else that's
happening in real time?
Would it be something I'd
remember forever, or something
that I'd wish to forget?
Would I end up being
head over heels for you?

I don't know. It's dedicated to someone, I promise you guys that. :] I'm in the mood to be... adorable, so to speak. >3 I really don't know why. XD

I went out today, leaving the house at eleven and coming back at five in the afternoon. I never knew shopping with my mother could be so beneficial. I can get so much more, just because she uses her credit card! ='D I got a new pair of skinny jeans (WHITE FINALLY THANK GOD), two pairs of short shorts, and three tops. And these three inch high shoes that are very thin, that are probably going to be a death trap for me dare I ever walk in them for a whole day. ;o; I might take a picture of my stuff tomorrow, or when I'm not feeling so lazy. x_x

I don't believe in miracles any more. My mother still felt shitty when she woke up this morning, with back pains. I take back everything I said yesterday about all of that.

I have finals this upcoming week, and then I'm out of school for the summer this Thursday! =D *Dance* I'm so excited, I wanna get up and dance, but I can't, so never mind. xD

I'm tired. I think I'm done posting. I've got a boatload of crap that I'm not going to do. xD Stupid finals...


~Jayy Dizzle.

My heart aches so much I cry. No. I bawl.
