I'm pretty upset...

My throat hurts really bad. I think it's from all the yelling I've done at band camp. :P They want us to be loud, and trust me, I can get really loud. ;) That's what she said. lmao, but anyway... Now that band camp is over, rehersals are Tuesdays and Thursdays. Before school starts, its from 9-12 noon. Then, when school starts, it's from 3-4 in the afternoon. I'm pretty excited cause this year we have a really cool show. It's coming along well, and we've learned it all before band camp got out. Which is fantastic. Oh yeah, our show is fricken Michael Jackson. Even though I wasn't born in the age of his music, I still respect that he is the king of pop. :) I'm pretty pysched for school to start, too. It's the day after my birthday though, September 8. It's a half da at least, so I guess that's a good thing.. lmao. :)

But the bad news.

I'm not allowed to go on the computer any more... A couple months ago... my laptop crashed for... reasons... I don't know. I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING ON IT EXCEPT DOWNLOAD PICTURES AND EDIT PICTURES ON GIMP! But, my cousin has been trying to fix it (he's about 28 something, and he knows his way around the computer.) But he said my harddrive's broken, so I need to either buy a new hard drive or get a new laptop. He says it's a better idea to get a new laptop, but we'll see what happens. But my mom is pretty pissed about it, and she's not allowing me on the computer any more when I get home. I'll probably only be able to update Sunday's or something when I see my cousin who brings his laptop to my grandma's house every week. So, if you're reading this, you can still text me. Haha. I'll keep it in my phone in notes in what I need to remember to update, and then put it into paragraphs each week.

So sorry. ):

Eh. I think it's better that I update every week instead of everyday. I don't know how to explain it. But yeah.

That's it.

