I've realized

That no matter how good things seem, down the road,
something bad will always happen.

I think that I am done. I've tried going down
the road that I never wanted to see again: love.
It makes you think that everything is going
your way, and nothing can screw it up, but in
the end, it stabs you in the back, when things
go bad.

I'm tired of being stupid and not seeing the obvious.
I don't like falling in love. I've been watching the
progression of someone I love fall in love with someone
else. I've watched him sadly because of it, knowing
that if the new one he likes doesn't like her back,
then she clearly isn't good enough for him. Wasted
tears that could've been cried for something else.

But whatever. That's why I haven't been around in awhile.
I don't really have anything to say, plus it sucks seeing
certain updates from certain people. It hurts me to see .
Nicki knows. God, she's such a dear friend. I don't know
what I would do without her now. All she does is listen to
me complaining about a certain someone. No, she won't tell
you. I mean, I trust her not to tell you... I hope she won't.

But yeah. I'm going to church. Today's my father's birthday,
and we have to go to church so we don't have to go tomorrow.
We're having a party for him and my niece [though her birthday
is in like, October]. They're celebrating it together, which
I in fact think is really cute. :3 I get to see loads of my
family which I haven't seen in ages, and some friends that
I was allowed to invite. xD Even though they're coming for
me and not my dad or niece. My mum is nagging me to get off.
So, Nicki, can you guest post for me tomorrow? Thanks, <3
