Let's Get This Started


I was sitting in the weapon room in the Demon Hunters Headquarters cleaning my hand guns after I was done practicing.

" Miss Lila?"

I looked up to see one of the guards standing at the door. "yes?" I said going back to cleaning my guns.

" The Directer would like to talk to you."

Nodding at him, I stood up, put my guns away and headed out the door with him following.

Most people would get lost in HQ, with all it's hall ways and dead ends, but I've been living here as long as I can remember so I knew how to get around quickly if I needed to.

Stopping in front of the Directers office, I knocked then headed in.

" You wanted to see me Sir?" I asked stopping in front of his desk.

" Oh yes, Lila." He said turning around in his chair. He was an older man. Maybe in his late fiftys. Though with his age he was fit. " Please sit down."

" No thank you Sir. I am fine."

Nodding he leaned back in his chair. " Well Lila, I'm going to get to the point. I'm making a new team for the Demon Hunters and I want you to be in charge."

" In charge Sir?" I asked unsure how to respond.

" Yes in charge. You see, this is what we've been training you for and with the demons starting to spill out of every crack in the U.S, we need a small team of people like you, and maybe some others along the way, to help out."

" Thank you sir. I'm happy to help out."

" Good." He said standing up. " The others should be coming soon."

Turning to the door it opened and reveled two people, a pale short girl with long black hair and piercing blue eyes, and a tall, young man with yellow cat like eyes and long crimson red hair.

I frowned slightly and looked at the Directer. "My team?" I asked.

He nodded and smiled at me. " Yes for now. I might add more later if necessary. I'm sure you will all get along just fine." He said the last part almost like an after thought. He waved his hands in a shooing jester and the guards ushered us out and closed the doors behind us.

I looked at the other two blankly. Unsure what to say. And they did the same to me.

" Well.. Um.. I guess this is the team...for now.. I'm Lila.. Nice to meet you." I said slowly. " And you are?"


We cans start now. So here we go. Hopefully it keeps going and doesn't die. So the directer doesn't really have a name and probably wont be in the story much other than giving them orders ect. Unless someone really wants to make him more active or something. I kinda put them all together but if you want your oc to be rogue for awhile I can change my post. But I just thought it might be useful for them to be together. So yep here you go. Go wild.
