Mayan High!

Oh lol...

I drew this for a project in Global Studies in which we were supposed to draw a Mayan god. Because I didn't want to pick one, I drew them all :V

The Gods:

Bottom row (left to right): Ix Chel, Ek Chaub, Buluc Chabtan, Yun Kaax, Itzamna, and Chac

The floating peeps: Skeleton looking dood= Ah Puch
Floating Sun-Shota= Kinich Ahau

Ix Chel is the goddess of rainbows, the moon, weaving, and childbirth. I turned her into a mismatched fashionista of doom~

Ek Chaub is the god of trade. He's supposed to have a prominent lower lip, so he ended up becoming the whiner-baby~

Buluc Chabtan is the god of war and human sacrifice and in this drawing is the popular scene kid. The black mark on his face is a prominent feature of this god. idk what it symbolizes...

Yun Kaax is the god of corn. He is supposed to have a plant on his head so I made a daisy pop out of there! YEY!~

Itzamna is the god of gods and the creator of books and writing. He is depicted as a cross-eyed lizard man. I made him the geek who actually paid attention to the importance of becoming a god~

Chac is the god of rain and is depicted with curled teeth and a big red nose. I pretty much made him the 80's style bully.

Kinich Ahau is the sun god. I don't really know what his case is so I made him random...

Ah Puch is the death god and is depicted as a skeleton. So ya, he's a skeleton...
