I will compose your greatest scene

A few days ago I finished Kaleido Star: New Wings (aka season two) after blasting through it even faster than the first season. It held up just as well as the first season, though I've concluded that I like the first a little more. I find the initial character development of Sora, Layla, and the others more interesting than the follow-through of New Wings as Sora tries to stay on her feet.

The first time I watched New Wings, Leon kind of annoyed me but I've taken more of a liking to him now. And the thought of me and Dagger meeting up at an anime convention some time, cosplaying as Leon and Sora, kept popping into my mind. How perfect would that be? I've totally got the hair for cosplaying Leon so if I happen to find a shirt like his (the black, sleeveless one with the big collar) I'll probably have to go for it since the rest of the outfit would be fairly easy—except for the earrings, I'm not piercing my ears.

If someone mistook me for Sephiroth I might have to slap them.

While I'm posting images, I finally got around to making this animation. I had the basic idea for it the first time I saw that scene but I never got around to actually doing anything with it. This time I couldn't resist.

I started watching Genshiken next, which is a hilarious portrayal of life as an otaku. I'll probably post more thoughts after I finish it but so far it reminds me of Welcome to the NHK except with a light and humorous spin instead of a dark and morbid one. I'm enjoying it a lot.
