Super Metroid 100% Walkthrough

If you haven't checked out the Game Videos link in the introduction, it goes to my YouTube channel where I post video walkthroughs for my favorite games. A lot of them are boss videos, where I show strategies for beating bosses and explain everything in the video description, but my latest project was a full game walkthrough for Super Metroid.

Super Metroid - 100% Walkthrough - Part 11 of 14

[View Full Playlist]

The walkthrough was a lot of fun to make (even if I did go through hell with my PC crashing and burning twice in the process) and I'm really happy with how it turned out so I thought I'd share it again here even though I already posted about it on myOtaku. Unfortunately, embedding playlists doesn't work (consider this a feature request if anyone of importance happens to read this) so I've put up my favorite segment of it and a link to the playlist page. In the video descriptions I wrote up notes to explain the various tips and tricks I use, which are time stamped to match where they're shown in the videos.

In the future I also plan on making posts here whenever I add new videos to my YouTube channel. I'm not sure what my next project will be yet, especially with Super Smash Bros. Brawl releasing tomorrow (it will no doubt devour all of my gaming time for a while to come), but I've been thinking of doing dungeon walkthroughs for a Zelda game next.

Also, if anyone needs help in any of the games I have videos for on my YouTube channel (or any Zelda game for that matter), feel free to post questions either here or there and I'll answer as best I can. I always enjoy helping people out with games.
