Incy Wincy Spider - Challenge Entry

Chapter 5 - Out came the sun and dried up all the rain

Sighing with sadness due to the fact he still had not had an imaginary friend, the spider slowly opened his eyes, then quickly closed them again when he found he was looking straight at the sun. Warnings from his mum about blindness and burned retinas in all his eight eyes caused him to roll over and stand before opening his eyes again. When he did so the spider was pleasantly surprised to see that the ground around him appeared to be bone dry, and that the peanut butter mutation was nowhere to be seen, he figured it had probably sloughed off to find itself something to eat, probably another unsuspecting spider no doubt! Pleased that the sun has saved him from the peanut butter mutation, the spider turned back towards the sprout determined to give it another shot. He quickly crossed the distance and allowed himself the luxury of remembering one last story from a time long ago.