An eevee?

After we walked for hours I pulled out my jornal and looked at it. I had put a map and some info into it on where I was going. I had just left Southern City and wasnt too far from Shining City(If I was a faster walker it would have tooken less time). As I got farther in I noticed that Eva was watching something. "What is it?" I asked. She pointed a paw at another Eevee not far off the trail. "I wonder what an eevee is doing here of all places." I said as I walked toward it. As I got closer I noticed that it seemed strange and acted different than normal eevee. "I think it is one of those Delta species." I said. I remembered a tm I had given Eva along time ago but never practiced. Now was a good time to try it I thought. "Use shadow ball Eva!" I said. She used it. Since we werent that high level yet it wasnt too strong but it still weekend the pokemon. "Now tackel!" It did the trick the eevee was week enough to try and catch. I threw the pokeball and after rocking twice it caught. "Even if it isnt a Delta Species Its still a new friend. Lets find someone who can tell us." I said to Eva.
"Eii!" she said.
"How about we call her Erza?" I asked Eva.
"Eii!" she said.
"Than it's settled." I said with a smile as we walked off.

Evana, Eva, and Erza

If I did something wrong in this post tell me and I can change it. I hope you like it.
