ok this is new the anime song of the week!

ok the anime song of the week is a new segment i'll be doing from now on as well and this song is the gintama 5 ending song whoever names the title corectly gets to chose next weeks song but ill only be posting lyriks got it?

the anoying temptation....
and the smell of flower buds.
on an after noon with no clouds in the sky...
...my carnege begins to clamor.
thess burning thoughts add to my pileing sadness.
i find eqivelent sadness,i bang my head.
one,someone please...
two,...put out my flame.
three,make me fly.
four,yeah yeah.
these smoldering thoughts add to my pileing sadness.
the memories of the day fade, i grow up.
one,someone please...
two,..liht my flame.
three,let it burn.
four,yeah yeah

thats the song in english name it correctly and ill coment on yours or pm you and you chos next weeks song if no one gets it right i chose next week as well
