
Mood: Bored
Watching: Steve Wilkos

I'm still bored... I posted another random comic up on Sakura's Headquaters and I made a new world, but haven't posted in it yet...
For some reason I feel like typing up a story about Death Note... Almost done with Akatsuki Graduation. I'll post it tomorrow since I feel a lil lazy... I'll post up some art tomorrow to probably...
I'm watching my brother and... It's really boring. I haven't been this bored ever since I went to the zoo. I know what you're thinking "the zoo isn't boring. It's a lt of fun." Well, it is the first 3 or four times, but after 50+ times, it's seriously A BORE FEST!
I'm finishing up the last entry for Sakura Kokoro's contest and I'll get to work on Soji's contest too. Does anyone know how to delete a comic page? I gotta fix one of my comics...
Well... Nothing much else to say...

Since SandLover13's a Pisces
