Tagged once more

I've been tagged again This time by MagicRinger (Cuz I was tagged upon reading), Supersaiyanjounin (Tagged upon reading), and SandLover13. So here are 24 more facts:

1. I could put my foot behind my head
2. I actually have a Yugioh deck
3. I beat someone in a duel and they hadn't lost before
4. They were upset at me and demanded a rematch... I ran away
5. My mom gets upset at me if I'm on the computer on what she defines "too long"
6. half the cats I have are bipolar
7. I'm trying to get ppl to join a club one of mi friends created (Wickedly created by my friend gaaragirl911)
8. I have a neopets account but I don't go online much
9. I go online to Serebii.net to see what pokemon vid game, episode, or movie is coming out
10. I made a trainer card on pokecharms.com
11. Here it is:

12. My favorite numbers are 12 and 13
13. I cosplayed as Inuyasha once on Halloween
14. My friend cosplayed as Edward Elric on Halloween too
15. I'm trying to get the cosplay outfit of Deidara
16. Many of my buddehs have entered my contest
17. I've been watching Anime since I was 4 or 6 around that area
18. Three of the anime I watched back then were Pokemon, Digimon, and Yugioh
19. Although I'm emo, I don't cut myself (ppl keep getting the wrong perseption of us)
20. I talk to my dog and cat
21. I just changed Deiara's summoning animals
22. I can bend my back without falling on the floor
23. My cousin's a prep
24. I hate the color pink

So I have been tagged... seven times so far. Anyone that wants to be tagged will be tagged upon reading teh facts.
