Watching TV and Lonely...

I haven't watched Beauty and the Beast in a while and I found it on TV :D

I'm supposed to call Cris... but idk if he wants me to call him now D: especially since I haven't heard anything from him except last time he got offline... He got online a bit ago... but I think it was to check things he had... idk. TT3TT I'm nervous to now... Especially since last time I called him he was on his XBox Live and I pretty much seemed like a bother... I was listening to most of his conversations with some friends of his that are kinda my friends... I don't want to do that again... so that's kinda why I don't want to call...

I'll see him tomorrow though for Thanksgiving :3 idk when he wants me over... He didn't really say even though I asked... I technically have only one other one here, but it's kinda just a breakfast thing since our plans for having Thanksgiving at MawMaw and PawPaw's shattered since PawPaw got a high fever yesterday at 103* and rising... and he had to go to the hospital (the Emergency Room).

Ugh... I'm kinda a nervous, stressed-out wreck XD
