Quizzes~ #1

I'm sorry I wasn't online last night... my parents lied to me and we ended up coming home around 11:30... so I couldn't get online T^T. I'm sorry I missed a ton of stuff...

I like skinny jeans.
Music is my life.
Sometimes I write poetry/song lyrics.
My hair covers part of my face.
I wear band shirts.
I know who Jeffree Star is.
I wear converse.

I wear vans.
I have made a YouTube video.
I wear lots of eyeliner.
Total so far: 6

I have/had my lip pierced.
I listen to Saves The Day, Chiodos, Thursday and/or Gym Class Heroes.
I'm in a band.
My screen name has x's in it.
I understand that My Chemical Romance is not emo.
I also understand that Green Day is not emo.

I have moshed.
I have been hit by a mosher.
I know what mosh means.
I sit in corners often.

Total so far: 10

I dislike MTV.
I take pictures of myself a lot.
...especially ones where you can't see my whole face.
I live for Warped Tour
I am lost without an mp3/cd player/ipod.
I know that emo is not just a stereotype.
I could not live without my hair straightener.
(Well I can't live without it now... because I hate my Curly-Q hair >.<)
I have thick rimmed glasses.
I'm bi/gay.
I have no issue with bi/gay people.

Total so far: 16

I hate the president.
I have/had/wanted a mohawk.
I wear black nail polish.
I hate my parent(s).
I hate where I live.
I try to go to as many concerts as possible.
Black is a great color.
Right now I am listening to music.
I know what hxc means.
I am straight edge.

Total so far: 25

Myspace = Love
Hot Topic doesn't scare me.
Some of my friends don't go to my school.

I wear studded/skeletal belts.
I have had a body part signed by a band.
I've cried while listening to Dashboard Confessional.
I have worn guys jeans.

I'm madly in love with Pete Wentz
I find muscles scary. (Technically they freak me out if they look all veiny cause they just look so gross to me >.<')
Final Total: 30

Add up your total then multiply by 3.

I'm 90% Percent Emo... I don't believe this quiz is accurate... you'd have to divide your total from the number of possible results... in which case I'm 61%
