Saturday - Uhhhh...

>>' First of all: I'm on my period and I'm craving a ton of crap... my boobs also got bigger -_-' even Cris noticed that... And there's the bloating... AND THE DAMN BLOOD EVERYWHERE!... And the constant need for Tylenol...

Bloody (my lil twin as I call her :3) ended up getting an account to something... And ended up getting me to join ^^' now I'm addicted to buying little pups... It's called Waja. And basically you raise wolves/dogs there but they look nothing out of the ordinary. :3 I have bought 5 pups: Aero, Alexis, Okami, SnowFlake, and Triton. I'm trying to get a Spitz T^T... maybe an African too...

Cris came over too, while my rents weren't home, and we cleaned my room a little more. After that, started watching TV and... Sprayed Silly String everywhere... He sprayed it on the door, floor, oven, me (-_-'), and... my brother's new lego set that dad got for him at a yard sale... Cris had to clean the legos up one by one... Then my brother started bitching at me saying "you needed to watch him better and not let him spary that on my stuff!"... How can I do that when I had to switch shirts because it got stained by Silly String?

Oh well, it was kinda worth it since my brother never listens to me and he's a douche :3... Oh, speaking of douches... I found Douchebag's phone number >:3 Imma have some fun knowing that MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!.... GAH! I SWALLOWED A BUG AGAIN!.... *coughs and chokes* HELP!... ME!... *falls down and bug flies out*
