Sunday Syndrome

I've got Sunday hatered on my brain... The yearbook should come out this last week. (Well duh, I've only got 4 days of school left) This years yearbook at my school should have the cover be an ipod. (I know cuz I'm on the yearbook team along with my friends Keith, Derek, Ben, and many other new friends) On Friday (sorry I couldn't post, I had to get ready for Toby's party/sleepover) my social studies teacher actually got a flat-screen, hi-def TV. At the end of class we got to watch TV on it. Many of us wanted to watch Jerry Springer, but we ended up watching Spongebob (It was the episode Sandy was going to move back to Texas and Spongebob and Patrick were trying to make her stay).
Sunday is always a slow news day. I posted all the fan art requests. Tomorrow, I'll post my conest entry to Leeluver1's contest. (I drew it at Toby/Allena's house) Last night, I was reading the last few comics where Deidara was alive... (I was sad after looking at the comics, yet I was done looking at the comics when Naruto came on).
Speaking of comics, on theO, I'm currently reading ]'s love/hate comics. I love 'em. They are funny and violent.
Here's my archives of the comics:

Junk Mail

I do?


My contest is about 3/4 month done.
My mom is also making me run around the house doing jobs cuz she's sick (and by sick I mean she doesn't want to get out of bed)

I'm later going to post up banners for the clubs I'm in once I get them done. (Currently working on Note Blue's)
Since school's almost out over here, I'll be able to get some more drawings up... I think... Well, unless I get lazy (which is bound to happen cuz it's break).

-What starts as art becomes an explosion-
-Art is a BANG un!-

PS. Also looking for my AkatsukiClan club, I'm still looking for the last member. Kakuzu is the last character though.
