better ending

Ok so I came home and reread my ending to Soji Story and nearly flipped out! What was I on? It must have been one of those really strong drugs. That was not what I had wanted the ending to be like. This is the real ending I envisioned.

Ryuza walked slowly with both of his arms holding Soji who was still bleeding. Soji had managed to hide the Death Note away from Ryuza’s eyes before he had seen what she had done, but there was still the matter of leaving. The weasel man posed no threat, but there were guards to deal with.
“Soji, we need to get out of here. Do you have a plan?” Ryuza asked as he slipped into a corner.
“Get to the roof,” Soji whispered. Each word caused her side to scream in pain and more blood to run out onto Ryuza’s hands. “We can use a helicopter on the roof. This building was once Youtsuba’s they had a landing space for a helicopter. Get to the roof and then use this.”
Soji handed Ryuza what looked like a pager. Ryuza moved Soji to his back, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and put her legs in the crook of his arms. Ryuza opened the pager and found that there was only one button. This is the button! Ryuza thought. This is the alert button that was handed to every Wammy child. It was a signal that they were in trouble, and since it worked only in semi-close range Near was sure to be the one to receive the call.
“Good going Soji,” Ryuza said, but Soji was fading fast. Her own breathing was forcing more blood from the wound.
Ryuza stormed the stairs not wanting to risk that more enemies would be inside the elevator. His powerful legs propelled them several flights of stairs before he meet several sharp shooters aiming at him. Dam! Ryuza thought to himself. I can’t do anything with Soji on my back. What can I do?
Unknown to Ryuza, Soji was fighting a personal battle in her own mind. Fears of using the Death Note clashed with fears of dying. Did I do the right thing? I had to. It was the only way….but I killed him… Finally a thought came to her. I needed to kill him! I needed to! I need to kill now! Ryuza! I need to protect him!
“Do you want the eyes?” a silent voice asked.
“Yes,” Soji said quietly.
Soji looked up at the sharp shooters with the red shinigami eyes. Their names were clear, and their life spans floated happily.
“Die,” Soji said as she reached into her coat, grabbed the Note, and wrote again in her own blood the names of the shooters. One by one they fell clenching their hearts not knowing what had befallen them falling into the chaos of the afterlife.
Soji slipped the Note back in its place next to her heart as a stunned Ryuza realized that he could run freely now and proceeded onward to the roof. More soldiers came, and once again Soji killed them. It was a mass of heart attacks one after the other after the other.
“Die, Die,Die!” Soji hummed to herself, “You will not hurt Ryuza! Die!”
Soon they were at the top, and the blood loss Soji had befallen was threatening to take her life.
“Ryuza, I can’t make it,” Soji said softly into Ryuza’s ear.
“Soji we are almost there! You can make it! Near’s helicopter is right there!”
“Hehehehe I protected the one thing that mattered to me,” Soji smiled as she felt Death approaching softly and quietly like little cat foot prints like the kitty that was waiting with Near back home.
Soji opened her eyes slowly realizing that she was not dead. It was a funny feeling not to be dead. Her head pounded with anger over the blood loss, and the area on her side where she was shot had been sewn up but still stung as she rolled her fingers on it.
“So you are awake,” a calm voice said.
Soji looked to the corner where Near sat on a stool.
“Near,” Soji smiled.
“You took quite a lot of damage, but you killed a lot as well. We found this on you,” Near said holding up the Death Note, “Now I don’t know for sure if it is real because when I touched it, I did not see a shinigami, but there are the names of all the men that died of heart attacks including Xero in here. Soji, tell me, did you use the Note?”
“Near, I did use the Note, but to protect myself. It would be like an officer using a gun. What do you want to happen Near?” Soji asked calmly.
“You will….”
Suddenly the sound of breaking glass shattered Near’s voice. Smoke entered the room and flooded it causing a black mist. As Soji coughed, she felt Ryuza’s hand on her shoulder.
“Soji, it is time to leave,” Ryuza whispered an inch from Soji’s ear, “we don’t have much time. Near plans to lock you away, but I knew what you did it for…please let me repay the debt.”
“Ryuza, you are sweet, but I am willing to accept the consequences for my actions,” Soji whispered back.
“But I am not,” Ryuza finished as he picked the girl up.
“Sir,” a voice came from the smoke, “we have the Note! Near is captured at the moment. What are your orders?”
“Keep Near held until Soji and I leave, then get out yourself!” Ryuza answered.
With Soji clinging to the Death Note in his arms, Ryuza lunged from the window and landed in a helicopter. Others soon followed, and the helicopter sped away.
“Soji, for now you will have to go into hiding with that book. Use it to protect yourself. I love you Soji, please don’t do anything reckless,” Ryuza talked, “I will come see you when things have quieted down. Please stay safe. For me.”
“Ryuza,” Soji started, “I love you too, and I don’t want you to become an outlaw for me. Please don’t do this!”
“Soji, for now, we will use Mello’s contact in the Mafia to protect you. Please do this for me.”
“Alright Ryuza,” Soji sighed.
To be continued?????
