
Ya this is kinda a sucky ending, but it was the best I could come up with while some crazy lady picked and poked at my fingers telling me that I should take better care of my nails at the spa.
Soji returned to Near’s headquarters and told of what happened. She left out the part of using the Death Note, and Near seemed oddly quiet.
“Why would the shinigami suddenly kill him? It makes no sense unless there is a second person with a Death Note,” Near spoke aloud.
“Near, you knew about Xero from the beginning. Why didn’t you tell me he had a Death Note,” Soji asked trying to throw Near off the suspicion of another Kira.
“I knew that you wouldn’t go if there was a Death Note involved. I know you are very emotional about the entire subject of Kira due to the first L’s death, so I hoped to shield you from it,” Near replied.
“And instead had me walking blindly into a trap,” Soji said angrily.
“I am sorry about that. By the way, are you sure that the shinigami took the Note back?”
“Ryuza said he saw it being picked up by something unseen and then disappearing. I didn’t see,” Soji answered.
“And the man had shinigami eyes?” Near asked.
“Hey knew both Soji and my real names. That is the only way that he could have known.”
“I see and he told you his name straight out?” Near asked.
I don’t like where this is going, but I have to go along or risk being caught with something. The Death Note is with me right now. I could just turn it in to Near saying that I found it on the weasel man. That is all I would need to do, but still…the Note….Could I trust it with Near? I will have to. I killed someone. I need to get the Note as far away from me as possible.
“Yes,” Ryuza answered. The sound of Ryuza’s voice snapped Soji back into reality.
“Near….” Soji started. “I found something while I was snooping around after Xero was killed. I’m sorry that I never told you Ryuza, but I was afraid still. Near look.”
Soji handed the Death Note to Near whose eyes grew astoundingly and then relaxed again.
“This is another Death Note,” Near said matter of factly.
“But the scary part is on the inside Near…look at the first page,” Soji said softly.
“The name of….. Someone deliberately killed Xero and then dropped the Note. But why? I will have the Note dusted for fingerprints. Soji thank you for giving this to me,” Near said serenely.
“Near, the name is written in blood….and I picked it off a table in one of the science rooms. Could the culprit be a doctor?” Soji asked begging Near to buy it.
“That could be a possibility, but if that is true then they were probably using gloves and the only prints that we will find will be yours…Soji are you comfortable with leaving this in protective custody?”
“Only if you lock it away with twenty of your most trusted people each holding a fifty five digit code needed to open the box,” Soji answered, “I don’t want a remote chance that the book will fall into the wrong hands and….due what happened to L to you…”
“Soji,” Ryuza said quietly.
“I don’t want to see a death like that ever again,” Soji sobbed, and her knees hit the floor.
“Soji, please go back to the C.I.A. You will be fine there, and you may forget about this incident if that is fine with you,” Near said looking blankly at Soji.
“Please Near, keep that book locked away and never use it…please.”
“Yes I will now go Soji,” Near said taking the Note.
Soji lay in bed that night thinking of what had happened.
“So you gave the Note to that Near kid hu Soji? Well since you gave it to him, that means that you are no longer the owner, and I must take your memories,” a voice came from the shadows.
“Isica, yes take it all away. I want to go back to normal and never have to deal with this ever again. Do me a favor though, don’t tell Near about what I did.”
“Like I would,” Isica responded, “That boy seemed like more fun to watch. Good-bye Soji.”
Memories were destroyed that night and the next day, Soji woke with no memory of the Note she had used and false memories of her finding the Note in the science area. She woke and was a normal super genius head of the C.I.A. And that was all for Soji’s story.
~The End~
