
I was sort of inspired to write this from Angel's brother going nuts about his video games missing. It reminds me of my social justice class. We did this group activity of adding up all the items we had in our rooms among a group of three to four people. I had a group of three and some of our combined items were sort of like what the heck. Like for t-shirts we had more than 120 combined. AND that was only with a group of THREE people. We all put our data on the board under our category and one of the most shocking numbers was a group having more than 200 pairs of jeans! There were about 5 other numbers below jeans like 80 or 70 65 so on. BUT 200 really stuck out. That meant that in that group of four people each of them would have 50 pairs of jeans! YOU don't even need that many pairs of jeans! I have about 8 pairs of jeans and that lasts me the wholeee year. WTF do you need like 50 pairs? It goes to show you how people value items so much.I don't want to sound depressing and like a pessimist but, these items really wont mean much to you when your dead. Your not going to be playing on your computer, or using your phone where ever you go.

But yea that's pretty much all I had to rant about. I have to write a paper about that later and I gots a game to go to soo I'll see you all later. Buh-bye
