No more.

So no more depressing posts right? Well you know I would have to complain about something sooner or later anyways. I've seen so many spelling mistakes in my past blogs it really bugs me I just want to go in and fix every single one of those errors. But heres my complaint of the day.

I WANT A BOYFRIEND! I'm tired of being single I hate being single. I hate seeing girls right I LOVE *Insert name here*. Or me and *inset name here* are going out *enter place here*. I'm so JEALOUS of them I wish I had a boyfriend. I wouldd want him to sort of look like the guy Simon from Gamer. I saw that today by the way with a FRIEND my old friend who I talked to this week after my little oopsie. We are repairing out friendship now and talking to each other again and we saw that movie today. I liked it I liked it a lot it was a great Idea for a movie but they didn't really follow through with it that well. The ending was whack it was like a 30 second hooray scene and it was all over. There was also a lot of nudity but I don't really care about that I'm a big kid lol I can take that crap without wincing. Well anyways I want a brunette dark HAIR for sure! I really love the emo look I would want him to look like that but NOT actually emo just a scene kid lol. I'm sort of scene I have black even lengthen hair except for the front which my bangs are cut sided to my left side and my bangs are blonde. But I seriously love the whole skinny jean, vans, sort of tight but not TIGHT TIGHT shirt. Like a fit shirt. Green eyes is a plus. I love green eyes. I'm so PICKYYY. (Probably why I don't have a boyfriend..) Sike I don't know any guys to even go out with hahahaaa. I'm hoping college changes that because I AM FOR sure going to join that video game club and kick some guy ass.

WTF. My NEW laptop computer just said it could not determine my AC adapeter plug in so it won't charge and will run slower because of that. I SWEARR If there is something wrong with this computer I'm gonna flip I'm so going to change to a mac. YOU DAMN PC's. I actually sort of like macs now after using them for a while.
