Best PVP Builds and tactics

Builds highly recommended for PVP

* Melee/MG/Rifle or pistol
* Melee/MG/SG
* MG/SG/Rifle or pistol

Did you know that each player kills, you'll earn up to the max of 40 PVP points dependent on your opponents level.

Weapon Tactics:

Notice: that any guns used in PVP, the damage will be cut down by 50%


Mainly, shotguns does a high amount of damage in PVP both arenas and IC. They ae best for breaking the player's armors and also does a spread attack which can most likely hit them even in far distance if you have the accuracy

Machine Guns:

HMGs- Best and highly recommended MG to use in PVP, have a higher accuracy than a Minigun and also does quite a damage on both the armor and player
Miniguns- Aren't really the best MGs to use in arenas, especially the Vulcan. It does low damage and have a Ultra low accuracy. I don't recommend this weapon. But GAU-19 is fine and a beast in arenas due to it's damage.

Rifles & Pistols:

Both are great for long range, off screen shooting in PVP. Damage is also high when score a hit on your opponent. But are hard to aim if the player is moving around a lot.

Grenade Launchers:

Aren't the best for PVP, due to it's damage per hit. But have an advantage to shoot through walls and have a great blast radius to score a hit on the player.

Melee(Blunts and Blades):

Both Blunts and Blades are the beast in PVP. They do 3 times the damage in PVP. But disadvantages are that you have to get close to the player in order to score a hit on them. High level melees from lvl 100 and above are perfect for PVPing. Can easily break an Exterminator Reactive XT with 1-2 hits.
A Spiker for example does 105 DPH, if you times that by 3, which will equal to 315 DPH in PVP. If you use damage boost drugs, then add that by another 35%, which equals to 425.25 DPH on a player. Which can even have enough hit to destroy a player with a Bio Reactive and 124 Endurance in just 2 hits!!


Does 2 times the original damage, but aren't really the most commonly used weapon in PVP, due to it's lack of DPH. But due to it's DPS, a Ripsaw for example does 21.42 damage on a critical hit with 183.6 DPS on Critical hit. If times the DPS by 2 and add it by 35%(damage boost) equals to 495.72 damage Per second. Which is still good to use in PVP.


* Best to get an Exterminator Reactive XT or higher armor in PVP. Have up to at least 100 endurance, have max accuracy, agility and strength. Reloading doesn't matter as much, but having high reloading points helps you to get back in action fast.

* Using Speed and Damage Drugs in PVP are the best option to take advantage over strong players.

* Spraying with MGs won't do much help, so concentrate on the mini map at all times and aim off screen with that to hit your target. Spraying will just make it more harder and difficult for you to kill your target.

* Use rifles and Pistols for long range off screen shooting to hit your target, and MGs and SGs for on screen combat.

* Make sure to dodge and move around alot to make it harder for your opponent to hit you.

* If you're using melee, make sure to dodge and avoid your targets attacks and sprint up to him/her and hit your target with you melee weapon. If you're using guns, make sure that the opponent is in a distance away from you so that if he/she brings out a melee weapon, you will be able to dodge it.

* Running away from PVP is accepted in arenas and IC, but if you run, it will show how coward you are and you're not a true PVPer. To be a TRUE PVPer, you are to fight until you die.

Other Information:

* PVP in IC makes you earn more PVP points than in arena
* You cannot open your inventory during arena PVP, but you can open up the menu screen.
