Bounce... =_='

Hey there!...
So yesterday, we went to Bounce...(we had an excursion... That's all) .... Uhh....It is where you just bounce and all... But... It is kinda fun though... We played dodge ball while we're bouncing on air 😅
When we have arrived to bounce, though, on my first try... I feel uncomfortable... and I couldn't handle things yet... Like... I don't know how am I supposed to land or stop bouncin' ... It was horrible on my first try T^T... But then things got better... I know how and where to stop... And ...yeah... We kept bouncin' and bouncin' until we stop....
So me and friends got really tired and we went up stairs and rest for a bit... Me and my bro drank our coke... while enjoying the AC.... Plus, it's quiet...

I tried to take videos using my digital camera (Samsung) but... I forgot that my storage is full =_=' ...

So we kinda stay there until it's time to go back to our school and go home... O.o ...
Seriously... When I reach home... My legs hurt a lot! Every time I went up or down the stairs or bend my legs to pick up things on the ground... It really hurts!!! MORE!!! T^T
Even my neck and shoulders... They are totally sore!... I couldn't even get up my bed .... *sigh*

Well that's all I have to say for now... If you wanna know what bounce is actually like... You can search it up 'Australia bounce' or something like that... If not I'll put a link down here and a video of it:


And some images
External Image
External Image

So that's it for today...
I'll see you later and BYEE!~...
