We're Done!

I hate you
And don't act like you don't know why
You lied to me about her
Did you think you could get away with being seen with her?
I can't believe you
You egotistical bastard!
You asshole!
I should never have said I would go out with you
I should have said no and walked away
But I didn't
I told you yes
Which I shouldn't have
Because I could have saved myself the heartache
But I didn't
And as stupid as I was I said yes
That was my fault,not yours
But it hurts to be the one to have to do this to you
And I have to
Because things aren't going to work out the way we planned
I'm so sorry I have to do this
But we're done
I can't handle another heartache with you
So I'm breaking up with you
And I never want to see you again
