Fumihiro--the blind ninja

Now you're doing Fumihiro?! Get on with it! Yeesh!

Hola. Rishi shall now introduce you to Fumihiro...whose nickname is Fumii-chan...who is very scary.

Fumihiro is twelve when introduced, during the two and a half year gap. Fumihiro has a bad mouth, is rude, and pretty much hates everyone. To top it off, Fumi is blind.

At the start of this story, Neji Hyuuga was assigned an A rank mission to be her bodyguard--AKA making sure she didn't get into any trouble.

Neji is surprised that the girl he is assigned to protect is blind, and to top it off, claims to be a ninja. Angry at being assigned a babysitter, Fumihiro shows him her 'headband'--which is just a piece of wood tied onto a cloth. Fumihiro claims that her teacher gave it to her two years prior, after her grandmother died, and she was a full fledged ninja who didn't need protecting, and would prove it to him by beating his...well, beating him to a bloody pulp.

Neji half-heartedly fights her, but is taken aback when Fumihiro shows great potential in her fighting style and her will to continue, even if exausted.

Fumihiro is able to uncover his blind spot, claiming afterwords that it was different fromt he rest of his body, and she couldn't feel any chakra there. The rest will be revealed in Better Eyes, a fanfic that will eventually come out (Title subject to change...because I don't like titles. -_-)

So what do you all think of it?
