(foxes by XxArrancarFanxX)

Hello everyone Im Small Lady and heres a little bit about myself as well as my lovely adopted foxes~ I'll be using them a lot. The blue one is Rohdanthe the ascended. Male of course. The pink one is Sylvia the beloved. Female.


Name: Small Lady, Usagi, Usa, Chibiusa

Age: 25 (omg can you believe it? XD)

Marital status: Married (no kids xp)

Occupation: Student

Star sign: Leo

Year: Ram

Birthday: August 4

Likes: sweets, baking, anime, video games, animals, collecting plushies, playing mtg, cosplaying, reading, drawing, writing...

Dislikes: anything bigger than me, storms, spiders, leeches, lampree, ticks, stereotypes, judgemental people, strawberries, mushrooms, math x.x

Watched list:

Sailormoon (Crystal)
Cardcaptor Sakura
Fruits Basket
Dragon Ball (z) (gt) (kai)
Gumdam Wing
G Gundam
Gundam Seed
Cyborg 009
Air Gear
Yu Yu Hakusho
Cowboy Bebop
Dance of the vampire bund
Hellsing (ultimate)
Wolves Rain
Zatch bell
Death Note
Kill La Kill
Ghost in the shell
Vampire Knight
Soul Eater
Blue Exorsist
Kamisama Kiss
Shugo Chara
This ugly yet beautiful world
Please teacher
Tenchi muyo
Black butler
Sword art online
Black cat
Mew mew power
A little snow fairy sugar
Gurren Lagann
Fate/stay night (zero)
Your lie in april
Yuki Yuna is a hero
Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood)
.hack//sign (legend of twilight)
Black butler 2
Jing king of bandits

Read list:
.hack// legend of the twilight bracelet
Air gear
Black butler
Tokyo mew mew
Love hina
Return to the labyrinth
Kamichama Karin (chu)
Jing king of bandits
Dragon ball
Shugo chara
Fullmetal alchemist
Legend of Zelda (seasons, ages, ocarina, four swordZatchs)
Zatch bell
Zodiac P.I.
Vampire knight
Magic knight rayearth
Codename sailor V
Sailor moon
Soul eater
Blue exorcist
Alice in the country of hearts (clover)
Kingdom hearts (chain of memories, 2)
Ranma 1/2
1/2 Prince
Absolute boyfriend
A doll and his master


ONE - Spell your name without vowels -- kyl
TWO - Are you single? -- nope I'm a housewife
THREE - Whats your favorite number? -- 17
FOUR - What color do you wear most? -- black probably. Lighter colors wash me out.
FIVE - Least favorite color? -- yellow
SIX - What are you listening to? -- Okami talking, Iris snoring and the AC hissing on high
SEVEN - What do you smoke? -- I burn oils and candles but I don't smoke.
EIGHT - Are you happy with your life right now? -- of course. I mean, I'd like a better immune system but I can't complain. Life is good ^^
NINE - Anyone ever said you resemble a celebrity? -- The mother from the Adam's family for my skin tone alone.
TEN - What is your favorite class in school? -- Biology and art~
ELEVEN - Do you shop at hollister/DC/Bluenote? - ....I'm wearing a tardis dress with fishnet skull leggings. Where do you think I shop?
TWELVE - How do you make money? -- I work as "the creepy greeter" in a nursing home lol
THIRTEEN - Who is your best friend? -- Okami ^^
FOURTEEN - Where do you go to school? -- currently nowhere I graduated my vet assistant class
FIFTEEN - Are you outgoing? -- xDDDDD.....no
SIXTEEN - One word to describe you? -- goober
SEVENTEEN - Favorite pair of shoes? -- Gray lowrise slip on converse
EIGHTEEN - Do you own big sunglasses? -- only as a gift yes. I look like a little Muslim bug xD
NINETEEN - Where do you wish you were right now-- idk I'm content with my current surroundings
TWENTY - What should you be doing right now? --house work....I'm doing this until my stomach settles x.x
TWENTY ONE - Do you have a crush on anyone right now? -- No sweetie. I'm married.

Honestly, what colour is your underwear? -- why do I get this question so much? Do I really have to answer this?
Honestly, what's on your mind? -- the underwear question. Like seriously, why?
Honestly, what are you doing right now? -- sitting on the couch thinking up a new idea.
Honestly, have you done something bad today? -- morally bad? No. I'm sick so the toilet hates me probably but morally no.
Honestly, do you watch Disney channel? -- haven't in years.
Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone? -- call wise Okami. Text wise the receptionist at work. She calls me the creepy greeter lol
Honestly, what makes you mad most of the time? -- the admin of the nursing home -_- he's one he'll of a character that one...
Honestly, do you bite your nails? -- Used to....until I learned all of the gross stuff under nails. Now I trim them like a lady...xD me a lady lol
Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment? -- My Goku kitty! I miss my little sayian....
Honestly, are you keeping a big secret right now? -- of course
Honestly, do you have a friend you don’t actually like? -- why friend someone you don't like? I don't understand o.O

Can you blow a bubble? -- Yeah
Can you dance? -- free style? No. I can however do the hare hare yukai, love and joy, and bad Apple dance if that counts.
Can you do a cart wheel? -- -bangs head in shame- No....not with a busted wrist..
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? -- nope.
Can you touch your toes? -- y-yes why wouldn't I be able to? M pretty flexible. Can other people not? O.O
Can you whistle? -- Yes
Can you wiggle your ears? -- No
Can you wiggle your nose? -- sort of
Can you roll your tongue? -- Yes
Can you make a clover with your tongue? -- No dammit...wish I could lol

What do you do when you’re mad? -- plot world domination.
What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad? -- personally I don't remember. Someone hurt me pretty bad and my vision went red. Next thing I know I'm being held down =/ idk but it must have been bad.
Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? -- ....once and I feel god awful about it even today.
Do you swear when you’re mad? -- not always

Ever really cried your heart out? -- oh yeah...
Ever cried yourself to sleep? -- probably can't remember
Ever cried on your friend’s shoulder? -- No. I don't do it in public
Ever cried over the opposite sex? -- No
Ever cried over the same sex? -- No
Do you cry when you get an injury? -- ummm...yeah once. Scissor blade through the hand. It was an accident but I still cried a little.
Do certain songs make you cry? -- yes. I avoid them.
Do certain movies make you cry? -- Pokemon the first movie. It's not a movie but Seymour episode of futurama

Are you usually a happy person? -- Yeah I can't complain.
What makes you the happiest? -- okami
Does being with your friends make you happy? -- why wouldn't it?
Do you believe in yourself? -- not really
Do you wish you were happier? -- Nah I'm good ^^
Is being happy overrated? -- I don't understand he question...why would it be?
Can music make you happy? -- Of course

How many times have you had your heart broken? -- Never Okami was my first boyfriend
Have you ever loved someone so much that you’d die for them? -- I have.
Has anyone besides your friends and family ever said ‘I love you’? -- on a daily basis. I am married lol

Do you actually hate anyone? -- .....I have dark feelings towards certain individuals yes.
Ever made a hit list? -- in high school I made a death note for a year book if that counts xD everyone wrote his they wanted o did and signed it lol
Have you ever been on a hit list? -- to my knowledge no but I wouldn't doubt it.
Are you a mean bully? -- I became one at one point.
Do you hate George Bush? -- ....."how many is a Brazilian?"

Is your self-esteem extremely low? -- below 0 really
Are you good looking? -- I think I'm average
Do you wish you could be someone else? -- nope! ^^

What is your current hair color? -- Brown
Current piercings? -- Just my ears
Have any tattoos? -- I wish
Straight hair or curly? -- gnarly curly hair

What shirt are you wearing? -- wearing a dress
Shoes? -- barefoot baby!
Necklace(s)? -- a necklace Okami made me.

Hugged someone? -- Yes -w- I am the hug beast
Been on the phone until the sun came up? -- No
Laughed so hard you peed in your pants? -- Almost! XD
Laughed so hard you cried? -- so many times
Got in a fight with someone? -- I was a different person growing up

Person you talked to in person? -- okami
Person you hugged? -- okami

Do you like surveys? -- Depends
Do you get along with your parents? -- noooooo....w don't speak.
Do you have mental breakdowns? -- No o.o

Current mood: -- x.x
Current music: -- mostly stuff by natewantstobattle
Current hair style: -- ponytail with bangs?
Current crush: -- no one. We were over this earlier
Current thing I ought to be doing: -- house work again
Current windows open: none. It's summer we use AC unless you mean internet window. In which case it's TheO and mangapanda
Current desktop picture:

Did you ever get into a fist fight in school? -- Yeah...
Did you ever run away from home? -- Yeah how do you think I got here?
Did you ever want to be a doctor? -- Nope
Did you ever want to be a firefighter? -- Nope

Do you know how to swim? -- Yeah
Do you like roller coasters? -- hell yeah!
Do you own a bike? -- no....hate them
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows? -- nope. Next question please

Does hair loss run in your family at all? -- only a little
Does your car get good gas mileage? -- smart car baby! 55 to a gallon
Does your family have family picnics? -- nope

Have you ever been on a plane? -- nope
Have you ever been to the ocean? -- Yes
Have you ever painted your nails? -- yes

How did you find out about facebook? -- Friends
How many of your friends on facebook have you met in person? -- all but 2
How tall are you? -- 5'3"
How much money do you have on you right now? -- on me? None. In the bank...well that's personal information sweetie, you can't have that.

Last person you hung out with? -- Okami and cassie.
Last thing someone said to you? -- "love you"
Last thing you said out loud? -- "iris that's gross! I could hear that...."

What are you listening to? -- you asked this earlier.
What is the weather outside? -- hot. Just the way I like it.
What radio station do you listen to? -- rock station
What was the last restaurant you ate at? -- a Chinese place down town.
What was the last thing you had to drink? -- water
What was the last movie you watched? -- oh crap....umm...the guest maybe? Idk xD

A to zero Usagi

Know about me:
A- Age: 24
B- Biggest Fear: freaking spiders man....
C- Current Time: 10:12 pm
D- Drink you last had: currently drinking a cold glass of 2% milk....unless you mean alcoholic...in which case it's been years idk xD
E- Easiest Person To Talk to: My dearest Okami or lovely little Chibichibi
F- Favorite Song: hold onto you - natewantstobattle
G- Grossest Memory: ummm cleaning up warm dog poop...
H- Hometown: Asheville, NC
I- In love with: my Okami~
J- Jealous Of: not living in an anime world?
K- Killed Someone? Outside of video games and my head no
L- Longest Relationship: 8 years
M- Middle Name: Small Lady >> your not getting my real one...I hate it
N- Number of Siblings: biologically speaking two half sisters. Family wise 2 younger brothers and my Chibichibi.
O- One Wish: a long and happy life with my dear Okami, and long happy lives for all my dear friends.
P- Person who you last called: My husband
Q- Question you're always asked: did you get married in your country? (People think because I'm Muslim I'm not from the US)
R- Reason to smile: love
S- Song last sang: Gravity - can't remember xD
T- Time you woke up: 8:24 am
U- Underwear Color: >> hey. None of that pervy stuff. Usagi doesn't play those games.
V- Vacation Destination: I wish I had one right now x.x
W- Worst Habit: picking hangnails
X- Xrays you've had: Teeth, arm, and back? Why?
Y- Your favorite food: ....cake. don't judge me!
Z- Zodiac Sign: Leo~

Update on life

Hello lovelies! Usagi here with a little update on health. So I've been out of the cast for a while now and in a soft brace. I went back to the doctors today and I'm m released for therapy and going back to work part time as get this.....a greeter...for a nursing home. I'll let that sink in a bit.

So I'm back go work which will be nice, but my doctor us sceptical. He said if I have ANY problems with the administrator to call him directly and he put me back off work. So for now I'm just going to chill out here with my ginger toast and relax.

Feeling loved

Hey lovelies ^^ it's Usagi here. I just wanted to say thank you y everyone from the gifts and birthday wishes ^^ it really means a lot. I had a lot of fun yesterday. I welcomed a new manga series into the house that I've been doing to an for a while now. Deciding took a few minutes though >.< it was between blue exorcist, fairytail, Noragami, sailor moon, and vampire knight...needless to say, Noragami won! I absolutely LOVE this series. I think it's quickly becoming a favorite. I have to say, Kazuma and Yato are my favorites >w< I only have the first volume for now but one day I hope to own them all!

Okami also surprised me with zero secret present. For Valentine's day this year he bought me one of the charmed memories bracelets from Kay's. So for my birthday he bought me a little owl charm. I. Freaking. Love. Owls. When I lived with my grandparents there was a little screech owl that would come visit us in the evenings to eat and play. Since then I loved the little guys. So now I have two different sterling silver owl charms and I couldn't be happier.

My mother in law and niece bought me a new bath time set from bath and body works too! Pink lemonade fizz. It smells so good I could eat it >w< I won't I promise lol we also went out to D atri's for lunch and I had my favorite soup and a huge piece of terimasu -w- great stuff if you've never tried it. After that we went home and chilled out until about four then we hit the mall. Apparently the first Tuesday of August is national night out. So we went out to watch the sheriff (whom we are good friends with) get dunked in water xD it was great fun. After that we got home and I relaxed while Okami got a bath and shower. In this time I managed to draw an idea I've been kicking around for a while now. I'll post it when I work up the nerve to color it lol anyway, thanks again guys! Everyone here is awesome!


200 things about Usagi

200: My crush’s name is: I'm married so...don't have one.

199: I was born in: the middle of no where north Carolina...

198: I am really: annoyed and trying to calm down....animal shelter lied to me.

197: My cellphone company is: AT&T

196: My eye color is: brownish gold

195: My shoe size is: ...there's nothing you need to know about my hobbit feet.

194: My ring size is: umm six I believe. My fingers are very small.

193: My height is: 5ft 3.5in

192: I am allergic to: strawberries, mushrooms, latex, lies

191: My 1st car was: I don't own a car

190: My 1st job was: nursing assistant

189: Last book you read: Dracula

188: My bed is: a twin sized bed? Wooden frame? What exactly do you want to know about it?

187: My pet: pittbull pup almost 4 years old and a foster kitten...although he is unfortunately leaving.

186: My best friend: my dearest Okami.

185: My favorite shampoo is: anything that smells nice and isn't strawberry

184: Xbox or ps3: hmmm....Never had problems with my 360 but my parents ps3 always froze up...so Xbox for sure

183: Piggy banks are: cute novelty items. I thought about getting myself one. Okami has one shaped like zero takeout box lol

182: In my pockets: I have no pockets. Just am in a pink bath robe.

181: On my calendar: it's full of doc appointments and Okamis birthday.

180: Marriage is: A beautiful thing I experience daily

179: Spongebob can: stay away from me and kindly never touch me.

178: My mom: .....is someone I will never speak with

177: The last three songs I bought were?: umm idk the last CD was linkin park if that helps

176: Last YouTube video watched: Trainin hard by natewanstpbatt

175: How many cousins do you have?: not sure really...I haven't met some of my family.

174: Do you have any siblings?: Yes.

173: Are your parents divorced?: given their relationship they'd be happier if th were

172: Are you taller than your mom?: idk we've been apart for 5 maybe 6 years now.

171: Do you play an instrument?: any and all percussion instruments. I used to play ocarina as well.

170: What did you do yesterday?: dog training.

[ I Believe In ]

169: Love at first sight: yes sir do.

168: Luck: yes

167: Fate: not so much

166: Yourself: ify

165: Aliens: -_-

164: Heaven: Yes

163: Hell: Yes

162: God: I believe there is a god.

161: Horoscopes: fun to read and play with but no.

160: Soul mates: but of course

159: Ghosts: Spirits absolutely

158: Gay Marriage: yes. Love is love who am I to judge?

157: War: not even a little

156: Orbs: like spirit orbs?

155: Magic: yes. You just have to know where to look

[ This or That ]

154: Hugs or Kisses: Both

153: Drunk or High: neither

152: Phone or Online: Online

151: Red heads or Black haired: brunette

150: Blondes or Brunettes: brunette like Okami

149: Hot or cold: for weather: gimme heat

148: Summer or winter: summer

147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn

146: Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate

145: Night or Day: I am the night

144: Oranges or Apples: eating them? Neither. Juice...Apple!

143: Curly or Straight hair: I hate my curly hair. I wish it were straight

142: McDonalds or Burger King: BK they have Pokemon there

141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: put them together and you have my favorite Hershey kiss

140: Mac or PC: mac

139: Flip flops or high heels: I don't care I like all shoes

138: Ugly and rich OR attractive and poor: judging someone for money alone is shallow

137: Coke or Pepsi: cherry coke for me please

136: Hillary or Obama: I hate politics

135: Buried or cremated: either find with me

134: Singing or Dancing: hmmm singing voice is bad so dance. I can ballroom dance

133: Coach or Chanel: ???

132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: ????

131: Small town or Big city: small town

130: Wal-Mart or Target: Target. They have more interesting stuff

129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Both

128: Manicure or Pedicure: both

127: East Coast or West Coast: I'm on the was so east

126: Your Birthday or Christmas: idk both I spent sitting by myself as a kid.

125: Chocolate or Flowers: I love both

124: Disney or Six Flags: I've never been to Disney T.T

123: Yankees or Red Sox: dude...I'm a nerd. I don't do sports

[ Here’s What I Think About ]

122: War: needless

121: George Bush: "how many is a Brazilian?"

120: Gay Marriage: wonderful

119: The presidential election: ha!

118: Abortion: it's the woman's choice.

117: MySpace: it's where I met Okami

116: Reality TV: ....

115: Parents: -growls holding goten plhshie-

114: Back stabbers: no worth my time

113: Ebay: I had a business there once

112: Facebook: can be fun

111: Work: enjoyable

110: My Neighbors: nope mind suck

109: Gas Prices: pricey

108: Designer Clothes: I go to Rosses and get them super cheap

107: College: it was zero battle o get into but I enjoyed it

106: Sports: badminton

105: My family: I love my aunt and her younger brother

104: The future: The future isn't set in stone

[ Last time I ]

103: Hugged someone: this morning

102: Last time you ate: around 11

101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: a week ago

100: Cried in front of someone: idk....at the beach a few years ago?

99: Went to a movie theater: months

98: Took a vacation: years

97: Swam in a pool: years

96: Changed a diaper: not happening ever again

95: Got my nails done: months

94: Went to a wedding: the last one was my own

93: Broke a bone: never.

92: Got a piercing: my ears as a kid

91: Broke the law: ....heeheehee

90: Texted: all the ime

[ MISC ]

89: Who makes you laugh the most: Okami

88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my dearest Goku kitty and my lovely sister

87: The last movie I saw: I can't remember

86: The thing that I’m looking forward to most: my birthday

85: The thing I’m not looking forward to: going back to work...

84: People call me: all kinds of names

83: The most difficult thing to do is: use my right arm

82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: Never I don't drive

81: My zodiac sign is: Leo!

80: The first person i talked to today was: Okami

79: First time you had a crush: high school

78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: Okami

77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: like out loud or not censoring myself?

76: Right now I am talking to: Dean.

75: What are you going to do when you grow up: I'm 24 and still a kid

74: I have/will get a job: I have one now

73: Tomorrow: is monday

72: Today: Sunday

71: Next Summer: will be warm

70: Next Weekend: Will be okami's birthday

69: I have these pets: didn't I answer this already?

68: The worst sound in the world: alarm clock

67: The person that makes me cry the most is: No one

66: People that make you happy: Okami and everyone here

65: Last time I cried: idk? Why do you want go know about me crying so such?

64: My friends are: you guys here ^^

63: My computer is: nonexistent. I use a tablet

62: My School: out

61: My Car: nonexistent

60: I lose all respect for people who: lie

59: The movie I cried at was: Pokemon the first movie.....don't judge me!

58: Your hair color is: brown.

57: TV shows you watch: supernatural

56: Favorite web site: TheO and YouTube

55: Your dream vacation: hm m....a con would be lovely

54: The worst pain I was ever in was: a medical procedure I had done recently...I was white as a sheet, crying, an vommiting afterwards

53: How do you like your steak cooked: Well done

52: My room is: full of plushies

51: My favorite celebrity is: don't have one

50: Where would you like to be: kanto

49: Do you want children: NO. N. O. FREAKINV NO.

48: Ever been in love: yes

47: Who’s your best friend: Okami

46: More guy friends or girl friends: idk never thought about it

45: One thing that makes you feel great is: music. Okami, anime, cosplay

44: One person that you wish you could see right now: my aunt

43: Do you have a 5 year plan: nope

42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: nope

41: Have you pre-named your children: what part of NO do you not understand about me procreating?

40: Last person I got mad at: hope

39: I would like to move to: anywhere but the u.s.

38: I wish I was a professional: moon princess

[ My Favorites ]

37: Candy: cherry lollipops

36: Vehicle: mustang

35: President: =p

34: State visited: idk

33: Cellphone provider: already answered

32: Athlete: .....

31: Actor: already znswered

30: Actress: idk

29: Singer: natewanstpbattle

28: Band: metallica

27: Clothing store: hottopic

26: Grocery store: idc

25: TV show: hellsing abridged

24: Movie: nightmare before christmas

23: Website: I already answered this one

22: Animal: meow

21: Theme park: six flags

20: Holiday: Halloween

19: Sport to watch: ...

18: Sport to play: badminton

17: Magazine: shojobeat

16: Book: Dracula

15: Day of the week: any day I'm off

14: Beach: Any beach is my favourite..

13: Concert attended: Never been

12: Thing to cook: balsamic chicken

11: Food: pasta

10: Restaurant: chinese

9: Radio station: rock station

8: Yankee candle scent: Never been there

7: Perfume: be enchanted sparkle bodyspray

6: Flower: lily

5: Color: red, blue, green, purple, black, silver, orange, teal, pink

4: Talk show host: Craig Ferguson

3: Comedian: fluffy

2: Dog breed: not a dog person

1: Did you answer all these truthfully?: Yupp