(foxes by XxArrancarFanxX)

Hello everyone Im Small Lady and heres a little bit about myself as well as my lovely adopted foxes~ I'll be using them a lot. The blue one is Rohdanthe the ascended. Male of course. The pink one is Sylvia the beloved. Female.


Name: Small Lady, Usagi, Usa, Chibiusa

Age: 25 (omg can you believe it? XD)

Marital status: Married (no kids xp)

Occupation: Student

Star sign: Leo

Year: Ram

Birthday: August 4

Likes: sweets, baking, anime, video games, animals, collecting plushies, playing mtg, cosplaying, reading, drawing, writing...

Dislikes: anything bigger than me, storms, spiders, leeches, lampree, ticks, stereotypes, judgemental people, strawberries, mushrooms, math x.x

Watched list:

Sailormoon (Crystal)
Cardcaptor Sakura
Fruits Basket
Dragon Ball (z) (gt) (kai)
Gumdam Wing
G Gundam
Gundam Seed
Cyborg 009
Air Gear
Yu Yu Hakusho
Cowboy Bebop
Dance of the vampire bund
Hellsing (ultimate)
Wolves Rain
Zatch bell
Death Note
Kill La Kill
Ghost in the shell
Vampire Knight
Soul Eater
Blue Exorsist
Kamisama Kiss
Shugo Chara
This ugly yet beautiful world
Please teacher
Tenchi muyo
Black butler
Sword art online
Black cat
Mew mew power
A little snow fairy sugar
Gurren Lagann
Fate/stay night (zero)
Your lie in april
Yuki Yuna is a hero
Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood)
.hack//sign (legend of twilight)
Black butler 2
Jing king of bandits

Read list:
.hack// legend of the twilight bracelet
Air gear
Black butler
Tokyo mew mew
Love hina
Return to the labyrinth
Kamichama Karin (chu)
Jing king of bandits
Dragon ball
Shugo chara
Fullmetal alchemist
Legend of Zelda (seasons, ages, ocarina, four swordZatchs)
Zatch bell
Zodiac P.I.
Vampire knight
Magic knight rayearth
Codename sailor V
Sailor moon
Soul eater
Blue exorcist
Alice in the country of hearts (clover)
Kingdom hearts (chain of memories, 2)
Ranma 1/2
1/2 Prince
Absolute boyfriend
A doll and his master

Can I be childish for a second?

I wanna see the eclipse but clouds won let me -puffs out cheeks in protest- I wanna see the blood moon! I wanna!I wanna!I wanna! I feel a little salty right now =p

Also, anyone remember the old tokyopop commercial? I'm trying to find one of the manga in it but I can only remember the other names mentioned and the description of it. The other two were shutterbox, and kill me kiss me. The one I'm looking for was the one about the person the main character couldn't see. They didn't know if they were evil or not but the catch line for it was "can you love someone you can't see?" Something made me think of it the other day and I want to read it but...no idea what the title is....also still salty about the moon lol =p

If you've read this far, thanks for reading my childish post xD you're amazing


I had a mind baby

Hello lovelies. I wanted to share something with you today. Recently, I had a dream about a young shapeshifter girl. Not going into to much detail on it but her form became permanently stuck on a humaniod creature that could become a deity or a demon.

Now, in the dream she seemed a bit over powered with her ragtag team of friends battling against the bandits taking over their land.

So I was thinking a lot about it this morning. I wanted to use her for something but had no idea what, then it hit me. Okami and I have been talking a lot about costumes we'd wear to a convention together. He talked about making our own MMO style characters and making the dog a battle summon. (Shes training to be his service dog so she has to be with him at all times) so I thought I'd make her a druid healer. She has the shapeshifting without the black magic she was using that over powered her in my dream.

She has the cat deity/demob character race as part of an expansion pack to the game. Depending on her actions in the game towards players and NPCs alike it can influence what her character would become. A deity or demon. What do you think?

By the way, if I get it done in time, this will be my new Halloween costume

I feel like I should update

Hello lovelies. It's Usagi. I feel the need to update you guys. Not much has happened really lol I still have my job so that's good. I'm guessing he either forgot about it or he's waiting to bring it back up =p whatever poo on him.

I'm still working on art and chapters for my story if anyone's reading it. Some big stuff happens in chapters 3 and 4. Idk if I like the name I came up with though =/ if it's not weird to change it after putting it out there, I might. I'm so picky with names lol anyway, I'm working on Halloween too. I'm thinking about a lunatic Alice outfit. I have two accessories already I just need to find a dress to use and some shoes.

I was thinking about trying out pixel art but I'm having trouble finding a good app to do so. I see android if anyone has suggestions.

Umm...yeah that's about it lol Usagi is still Usagi. Just wanted to throw an update out there. Oh and I'm still thinking about doing an ask me anything on my story too if anyone's interested in asking questions about it.

Voice meme finished bump!

Click image please ^^

Meow bump!

Hello lovelies it's Usagi. I'm back to work 4 hours a day but I'm still kinda bored....(hence the title) so I thought to myself "hey Usagi, what do you find entertaining?" Then it came to me. I wanna do either a voice meme or video meme. Haven't decided which yet but~ if you'd like to participate feel free to ask me any question you like.
*personal questions
*anime/manga questions
*gaming questions
*religious questions
Or even "hey Usagi how's it going at work?" Lol any question is fine. Even the silly ones ^^ so yeah, have at it. Ask me anything. I haven't thought of a deadline get so if you have lots of questions keep 'em comming =D



Hey lovelies, I'm just updating a bit. I've got some great questions and actions going on here ^^ I'm thinking the deadline may be Monday. Not this coming Monday th17th but the Monday after that. So the 24th I'll be putting up the voice or video meme. I haven't decided which yet. So yeah, keep the questions coming! Or even impressions lol that just sounds like a lot of fun >w< umm that's about it really a dead line and bumping this up one more time.


Update 2:

Hellooooo lovelies! Just a bump and friendly reminder that the meme will be posted the 24th. The cut off is the night of the 23rd as I will be making the meme the morning of the 24th. This is pretty much an ask Usagi anything meme. I'll answer just about anything....unless you ask about my underwear >> I've been getting that one a lot lately from memes. So yeah, feel free to ask anything ^^



Just a bump for the weekend ^^ I've also decided that because of time, it will be a voice meme. I made the date before I started going back to physical therapy and...they need me in a little early Monday ^^;; I was planning a cosplay video meme and everything lol oh well there's always next time.



Keba: This isn't really a question, but... DO YOUR VERY BEST CAT IMPRESSION IN THE MEME.

Nikkeh: How do you feel about dubbed vs subbed?
Which do you prefer?
What is a good anime to suggest to someone who is skeptical?

Bubblebee: What was your first anime?
Where you immediately drawn to (obsessed with) anime or did it take a while?
Do you have a favourite video game?

Darkarax: I have an interesting question.

What's the worst anime you ever watched?

Judai: Hello Usa-chan (can I call u that?) I'd like to ask you a few questions.

Have you seen any Studo Ghibli movies? And if so which one do you like the best?

What type of anime inspires you?

And finally, what type of music brings back memories for you? (Like good times, childhood, etc.)

Sorry if these are a bit far-fetched but they're all I could think of.