
Engulfing, translucent lights
tripping through the glass
refractory color vibrates in the sound
[of music]

dust sparks float through the rays
like mayflies enthralled
by the vivid curtain...
no wind, just light...and music

in the corner withstands, unharmed
the gramophone, in it's vintage glory
so tall standing on an ivory stall
supposedly to be moved
but forgotten in place...

subtle, perfect in the midday sun

an old song fills the room
the voices melt in the lukewarm air
light cracks interrupt the harmony
[never falling off key]
as a natural response

for the surreally fluidly performing orchestra

and i sit there, dreaming...

[projected in the mirror, i find them
as light as a grain of dust,
in a perfect synchrony,
dancing their way
down onto my lashes...]

~the concerto swooned into a lullaby~
