
Boy:"So how do you know so much?"

Girl "Because each generation starting from the Princess documented it and is rewritten whenever a cursed child is born. So, that the cursed child has the original and the new one. Everyone has a copy but the cursed child has the original."

Boy:"But that doesn't explain how you know."

Girl:"I'll tell you, but first, would you want to know the 2symbols?"

Boy:"Sure. The Princess line?"

Girl:"The symbol looks like 2stars, which back then twins were considered bad omen."

Boy:"And the boy's side?"

Girl:"In the shape of a wolf, since they are loners and if they can't keep up are left behind."

Boy:"That's very interesting, but how do you know all this?"
(the girl brings down her shirt to show on her left chest a birthmark with 2stars)

Girl:"Because I'm the nest cursed child."