Sexy Original Ninja

I decided to put rikku aside for now and work on something a little less daunting.

Ninja! Since I am not the biggest fan of Naruto ( I actually do not care for it all except for some characters like Hinata) I decided to do an original cosplay. SEXY NINJA!

I have yet to figure out the top so please disregard the t-shirt. I also need to clean my mirror apparently so please ignore that as well. Anyways, I bought the scarf and arm warmers at Hot Topic and I bought the head band at Suncoast. What do you guys think? I still need to buy a lot of red satin for a sash around my neck. The satin will be tied around and the ends draping down in back. I plan to use the left over satin for accents throughout the costume. So besides buying the satin, I also need to purchase fishnet footless tights that have the same design as the arm warmers. Shoes is a different story altogether. Here is the picture.

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