Sakura-Con Meet-up: Official Time and Place

I'm very pleased to announce that the 2nd Annual Sakura-Con Meet-Up is out of beta and has gone gold! If you or anyone you know is heading to the Washington State Trade and Convention Center next weekend, we cordially invite you to our gathering!

  • Meet-up Day: Saturday, Mar. 29th (Day 2)
  • Meet-up Time: 1:00pm
  • Meet-up Location: Lounge just inside of the convention center's main entrance

Members who come to the meet-up will get to enjoy:

  • A ton of free DVDs and other stuff courtesy of Gail and her "connections"!
  • A live recording of the Podcast courtesy of Ichigo and Batou of Anime Pulse!
  • Punch and pie (or some asianesque variant of punch and pie)!
  • A fun chance to take some pictures, shoot some video, and have some fun with your (brand new) online friends in a public place with far less chance of kidnappings than if you did it alone!

Bring your friends, they too will get a crack at some free stuff! And if anyone has any questions, by all means ask them in the comments below - I promise, we're all keeping close tabs on this World.

This is going to be a ton of fun. We hope to see you all there!
