
~Kari Kincaid~
I sighed as I looked around, searching for my sister, or at least the goose. Both were soothing in a way, though sometimes Pal does things that make me forget that I really don’t want to be stuck here for much longer.

It really annoyed me that I had to find someone to help me out of this situation, that I had to find someone who also agreed with what I (and Saya) said about this place. It wasn’t good enough to find it, now that we knew something was wrong—what that something was, none of us knows.

I can faintly remember someone saying this was paradise, that this was what all people wanted. And I knew, even at that moment, that there was no paradise. I knew that everyone’s version of paradise clashed with one another.

I knew that someone would want constant fighting while another wanted constant peace. I knew that someone would want everyone to admire them, but someone would always dislike them (either on principle or past memories).

What I wanted obviously clashed with someone else’s wishes—it was my sister, Claudia. She wanted a world where the mutt finally admitted that he was in love with a guy (why she wants that, I’ll never know), while I wanted him gone—dead, or just vanished into thin air.

The only one who truly got this weird vibe was Saya, and that wasn’t very soothing. She was a guardian, someone who once protected Harmony, but joined us—that could mean she’s either truly suspicious, or acting it because she knows what’ll happen in the end.

Then Paloma—or the mutt that likes the other mutt—was just what I liked to call stupid. She never really cared for what I did, or said, so it was easy to mutter things around her. I doubt she even heard half the things I’ve muttered to her.

It took a while, but I finally found someone to rant to—someone to share my suspicions with. But, of course, it had to be Prince—the one person I’ve been deliberately avoiding for the past few days.

I hoped he knew me well enough to understand that I want to be left alone, but I also knew that he would still bother me, if he ever picked up on that feeling.

So, before he could get a word in, I turned and ran towards… nothing. There really was nothing around except the best perceived form of paradise—the beautiful trees, the bright blue sky, the sparkling water; all there to verify it as paradise.

It was when I found Saya that I stopped running—if he was still chasing me, he would have to deal with Saya, since she agrees with what I’m doing.

‘I’m sorry, but I… I don’t want to be near you. Not for now… Maybe when we leave this hellhole one day, I’ll be willing to crawl back and beg for your love. But I can’t; not right now.’

I couldn’t help but to laugh hysterically at the situation I was in. Never, not in a million years, would I ever think that I would be in this situation—I was avoiding a guy because I loved him too much. I didn’t know if he wanted to leave here, but in case he wasn’t leaving, I wouldn’t be hurt too much by his decision—I knew I was leaving, when I got the chance.

The reason for the mostly useless post (ever)—I was searching for RPs on a different site, just to find most were a sentence long. I needed to update what Kari’s doing in CF to make me feel better. (Oh, yeah! Poochy, Rose says she still can’t post in CF—and bugs me about it—so can you add her?)

Paloma (mentioned)
Prince (somewhat used)
Claudia (mentioned)
