Introductions Are Always Nice

Kai -

It was all too complicated, really.
See, I could tell you all about how damned weird it was. I could tell you how frightening and weird and insane it all was, what, with the caves and the 'guardian' and everyone crowding into the too-open space. I could tell you how my head spun every time I noticed someone didn't come out. Which was often. I could tell you how weird it was that I couldn't smell or sense or...or feel anything in the caves.

I could tell you.

But, I wont


I wont tell you anything. Especially how worried I was. I'll never tell you that with every person I saw that wasn't who I was looking for, my souls sunk and I remembered things I never wanted to remember. I wont tell you how badly I wanted to wring Pierce's stupid freaking neck when I saw the enormous wound on his shoulder. I wont tell you how I profusely thanked Luna and even Abby over and over again for getting him here safely and taking car of him. I wont even mention how hard I slapped him and the giant bruise it left when he made a smart remark about how I was 'acting like his mom or something.'

His mom?! Christ!

I will never, ever tell you about how it was all I could do not to break out grinning when I saw that midget of a redhead and when he saw me. I wont mention how the uneasy feeling in my stomach vanished when I saw that his hand was the only thing that had gotten hurt, and that he was still trying to act tough. I wont tell you that I hugged him, maybe for even longer than I hugged Pierce.

I wont mention that his smile made my day, and how I knew I'd have to talk to him about that one day, but couldn't bring myself to ruin our friendship yet.


Not anytime soon, anyway.

I looked up as Jethro left the 'spotlight' of the crowd. The interjections, I'll admit, made me kinda pissed. I mean, really? Kid was just trying to make a statement, like everyone else. He was a kid, after all.

After cat-girl and co. finished up, and Kasumi and Tamostualso ended, I decided to hit a few birds with one stone. I smiled, picture perfect politeness--not sarcastically, either, but because I really was quite grateful to be here. I raised an arm, morphing it into a tentacle, "I'll go." but, my other arm stretched out to snatch Pierce and Ennis's arms, raising them also, "And these two can knock theirs outta the way while I'm at it." I added. I was sick of the evil eye Pierce was giving Ennis. He just needed to get to know him a little.

Ennis seemed cool with it, if not a little flustered at the attention. Pierce, of course, wasn't so cool with it. "Kai, get my arm away from that creep's. Now." He caught sight of my icy gaze and his tone changed to a pleading one, "M'not doin' it. You can't make me, Kai, you can't, I swear." He sounded like a kid begging his mother not to take him to the doctor.

It was Ennis to speak up, "C'mon, big man, too li'l t' be near me now? Feh, I knew y'were jus'a punk. G'find sumone wi' th' time t' put up wi' ya. A nursery meebe?" he smirked, and looked at me before I could get mad at him. He was playing Pierce's game, and Pierce knew it. He was goading Pierce, and by the look on the cow's face, it was working.

I slowly released Pierce and Ennis, and Ennis made his way into the middle of the crowd. I followed him, knowing I'd hear Pierce's reluctant footfalls behind us.

When I did, I looked down to see the German Shepard boy sitting on the grass, glaring daggers at Kari and Claudia, both of whom had successfully shown up his intro.

I couldn't help it. I ruffle his hair as I passed by, leaving him with the word "Chill."
There was something on my mind still, though, especially as the murmurs grew...

Pierce -

I hated Ennis with a passion, now more than ever, don't you dare get me wrong.

But, Jesus, I loved a good goad.

I knew the hick was trying to get to me and was about as serious as Miley Cyrus attempting to sing. But, it was so tempting, my god!

But...something seemed wrong as I walked up to join them. Something about Kai was getting...weirder as people's eyes turned to us. There were whispers, of course, what, with Kai and Ennis, but something was different.

Before I zoned out, I swear I heard the word "Freaks."

But, maybe not.

I followed them up , waiting as Kai began in his strangely cheery voice, "Hi, everyone! I'm Kai. I'm an octopus halfer, and some of you may remember me for trying to kill our friend Pierce here, and also our friend Ennis." He had my attention now, as that bit shocked me. Why would he say that? The room got a little quieter, "Which I not only did shamelessly, but it's not impossible that I will do it again! I used to be human, and was an experiment in a halfer-murdering lab for years. I am not only familiar with, but also accustomed to killing groups much like your own, and relapses are not impossible. I still am entirely unstable and I thought you'd like to know, just in case. Keep it in mind for your safety, thanks." he moved back into the crowd and sat down tactfully, his hair a shade of muddy brown despite his gleeful smile.

That was, for lack of a better example, much like going to church in southern West Virginia just to say that God was a shithead.

Which was not a good idea.

There was a moment of well-earned silence.

The only thing that stopped me from running to check on my best friend was the opening of Ennis' mouth, and to my surprise, his accent was entirely gone. "That was my best friend Kai, everybody!" his smile was as fabricated and happy as Kai's had been, "I'm Ennis, a complete human and ex-bounty hunter. Those of you who remember me would recall that I attempted to abduct you, abuse you, and send to to a prison known as Vana's mansion. I would have done it in a heartbeat if he hadn't stopped me, and you know what? I would have slept soundly that night! I have killed, kicked, hit--you name it, I've done it to a halfer, much like yourselves." his smile was beginning to seem off-kilter, and the room was quieter than imaginable, "Bu', y'kno' wha'? M'not tha' person 'nymore. Neith'r is Kai." Ennis's voice was soft and sad now, "We all 'ave pasts. Kai thought'cha should know 'bou 'is. An', 'es right. We've both done awful things, an' ya'll have th' rights t' know 'bout it, not just as halfers, bu' as people. Kai jus' means t' say 'es sorry. So'm I. We know ya don' trust us. Ya may ne'er. Bu' ya kno', mates. Whe'er ya talk t' us 'r not's up t' ya, so...Don' give us more trouble'n we earn 'ere.

"Not when we jus' want a new beginnin'. Like you." He grinned that backwoods, lame-o smile that grated on my nerves, then went and sat by my best friend.

What a challenge.

"Well!" I clapped, "Wasn't that a sight? No big deal, I'm not half as interesting or long-winded. I'm Pierce. Cow-halfer. Enjoys stuff. The end." I grinned, moving back to Pierce and Abby and Ennis, where Ice was near with his family. "By the by, any of you have a beef with Kai can go through Ennis. It should wear you down so I don't have to waste too much of my time kicking an idiot's ass." I saw Jake somewhere in the crowd, looking my way. I tried to catch his eye, and I waved. And I felt bad that I hadn't really annoyedtalked to him in what felt like forever.

Later. I'd see him later for sure.

"Hey, Ice." I walked over to him, where Shadow was looking mildly disc=gusted next to Echo, and Nanuke looked deep in thought.

"Your friends aren't serious." It wasn't an accusation. It wasn't a question. It wasn't malicious or high-and-mighty. Ice was just serious. He knew as well as I did that they were just letting the group know. There would be no awkward moments when the group would feel betrayed because of their pasts this way. Kai felt it was best.

I nodded, sitting down with him, "You know they're bluffing the indifference as well as I do, then, Ice."



And long :
And not very inclusive.
And needlessly dramatic.


In Post -
