Aaaannd...It's A Wall. Again. Tenth Time.

Kai -

It was probably my instincts that saved me from a nasty face-to-wall fall. My tentacles shot out, all of them grabbing onto either the floor or a wall. I opened my eyes to see a sharp rock not two inches away from my nose. Nice save, Kai.

They retracted immediately, and I spun on my heels to look back at Ennis. What the hell had he shoved me out of the way?! I could take a few pebbles to the head; I wasn't a baby!

My mouth opened to lecture, but all that came out was a timid, "...Ennis?"

I hadn't expected a barrage of boulders to be in my way, exactly where I'd been standing. Okay. Those were more pebbles than I had expected. "Ennis?!" I called out, smelling that redheaded human's blood, strong and burning in my nose. There wasn't much, but I'd be damned if it wasn't something.

There wasn't a response and I cursed, a tentacle lurching forward, desperately trying to maneuver the rocks away. It was no luck. They were either pebbles or boulders--no reliable or movable middle ground.

I cursed, spinning on my heels and marching forward. There was a way out. There was a way out. I would find it. I would find Ennis. He would be okay...when my face met a wall with an astoundingly loud crack, it occurred to me how dark it was.

I looked around. Darkness. Nothing but never ending darkness. Slowly, I walked around the edge of the cave, grunting when I met a wall. Stupid, little...

"Hello? Did I hear someone?" A lithe, feminine voice rang out. It was the leader! Shy--no, Sky, maybe? Yeah. Sky.

"Probably me! My face has this attraction to the walls, and frankly, I'm not too into it when they rendezvous." I called back, deciding it was better if I just stayed still.

Slowly, two reflective eyes appeared in my view, "Um...You're Kai, right?" Cats could see in the dark...

I realized stupidly that so could octopuses...octopi...octopeople...whatever. I focused until my eyes shifted, and my vision cleared, revealing Sky. "Yeah. And you're Sky, the infamous ringleader of this pack, right?" I rubbed my nose where it had come in contact with cave so much.

Sky blushed a little, looking flustered, "Yep." she smiled, "We're getting close to Harmony already; I know it."

I grinned back, "I don't know much, but I know to trust a cat's instincts." I looked around, my eyes only allowing me a short view. "We the only ones?"


I spun around, "You!" I recognized that voice. I wasn't fond of leering birds that I hadn't gotten to know.

"Me." Sebastien agreed, his voice seeming to be right in front of me, but I couldn't see him.

"Where are you?" I asked, and looked at Sky, who shrugged.

"Up." he stated, amusement almost present in the gentlemanly tone.
I glanced up to see a raven flying down to the ground, and morphing into a man, who bowed gracefully. "Hello."



Sorry; I felt like Kai needed love so I ignored everyone else. And I'm sleepy.
Hope it wasn't crap. :P

In the post -
Ennis was mentioned
