Rocks Fall From the Heavens

Pierce -

I was half thankful, half guilty when Jake ignored me and went on with his business.

Ah, to be caught between "Oh, no, did I joke too far??" and "THANK YOU LORD, LET ME SLEEP!!" was horribly awkward. And guilt inspiring.

I sighed, I knew I would hate it if I had to babysit some kid who would have killed our group in a childish fit of rage (Don't you dare think of Kai, Pierce. He's an exception). I yawned as I got up out of bed, wondering whether or not to apologize.

I would later. I had forever, if he actually stuck around til we found Harmony. He couldn't be too mad.

I tried to chuckle as we walked into the cave, some of the younger kids looking around fearfully. This place gave me the creeps...I looked around, and that cretin, Ennis, caught my eye. I glared and looked away as he and Kai stood together, both feeling like outcasts. Both having things in common that I'd never understand.

A chill ran up my spine and I checked behind me, moving slightly closer to Abby, who was looking around worriedly. Alissa, who was apparently a good friend of hers, had been in some sort of a daze since we left Vana's.
"Hey." I said softly, "You two alright?"

Abby and Alissa nodded, and I opened my mouth to say something when the cave started shaking. Someone screamed, and I barely saw Alissa run off before a giant rock began to fall where she had been.

I cursed, "Abby! Come on, we've got to get out of here!" I grabbed her arm and we started to run, barely avoiding boulders as they fell.

Everything happened in a flash, and I barely remembered seeing the ceiling start to fall on us. I yelled something; even if I can't remember what. I...I think I pushed her out of the way. She screamed, and suddenly, as if in the blink if an eye she was lightly spattered with drops of scarlet. I shuddered, falling to the ground and leaning up against the cave wall, still on my knees, eyes glazed over. It was like there was a weight or something on my shoulder...

Abby covered her mouth, I think. I couldn't quite focus. She was trying not to scream, "Oh, God...Pierce..." she ran up to me and shoved something off of my shoulder. I looked over and saw a giant rock...Oh. There had been something on my shoulder. I laughed without humor, finding something funny about it, somehow. "Are you okay?!"

I think I nodded. "Ouch." I mumbled. It was different from other wounds I'd gotten. Even being attacked by an animal...You couldn't feel the tiny grains of razor-like rocks that remained when you were mauled, or shot. You couldn't feel the dirt and grime seeping into your blood. "Ouch." I repeated softly, not wanting to scare Abby. "Just a nick. Nothing bad." I tried to shrug, but it stopped abruptly when a pang of torture erupted through me.

Abby crossed her arms, "Pierce, you can't see it! It is not 'nothing bad'!!"

I leaned down my head, "Shh. The more I hear about it, the more I dislike it." I smiled at her, "I'm a giant coward, remember? Look for others. Maybe they got hurt. Or maybe they could help me. Please." The look in my eyes must have convinced her, because she held up a finger, 'One second' it meant, and ran off into the blackness.

I sighed...Maybe I'd die. Probably deserved it. Better than freezing to death. Too bad I never got to apologize and become friends with Jake...Too bad I never got to make up with Kai.

"Pierce!" someone exclaimed, and I looked up to see Luna, looking horrified, eyes traveling to my shoulder. She ran up, grabbing a bandage out of her pocket and moving to dress my wound. I winced as she began, and noticed that it was the last of her bandages.

"Look, Luna"--wince--"You really don't have to do that..." She shook her head stubbornly, though, and I sighed, smelling blood on her. She was hurt, too...I didn't deserve this help.

"You're not going to die from a shoulder wound. You're pretty cool. We're not going to lose you now." She sounded determined, and I tried to smile as she finished my arm, wrapping it carefully into a sling.

It meant a lot that someone thought anything of me at all, honestly, let alone cared enough to help, "Thanks, Luna..." I smiled and nodded at her as she helped me up, and we both leaned back against the cave walls.

I glanced over at her, "Why didn't you use the bandage for your wounds?" I had to know. She was bleeding.

She shrugged, "They're not that big of a deal. Nobody can die from just a scratch." She smiled at me, and I smiled a little bit back before wincing again. This time she noticed. "Come on. Let's just rest here for a while and see if somebody comes by." she said softly, we sat back down and she started helping me with my wounds.

I looked over at her, "Abby's here, I managed to stop a rock from falling on her--she went looking for people. I guess we've got to wait for her to get back."

Geez...If I'd known this was gonna happen, I'd have stayed in bed.

Ennis -

"'Ello? Anybody 'ere wi' me?" I called out, jammin' m' hands int' m' pockts n' leanin' back against a wall. I checked out m' left hand, tryin' t' wiggle it 'round.

I cursed under m' breath. Fingers were stuck--most've 'em brok'n. Whatta bloody mess i' was, too. Tha' rock knew where it was goin'. I wish'd silently tha' Kai was okay. Meebe I 'adn't pushed 'im far enough, meebe 'e was trapped under a rock, n' I was whinin' bou' a broken 'and? Justa lil' beedin'--worth it if 'e was alright, I finally decided.

I saw a figure turn 'round, an' as 'e walk'd toward me, I realized, loudly, who 'e was. "So 'm stuck wi' th' funny lookin' dude! Th' lion?" An' I regretted it soon as m' big mouth open'd up. Way t' make pals, Enn. Way t' make some pals.

I look'd 'im over. Shi--There wa' somthin' wrong wi' 'im, too! Was it th' cave-in, 'r somethin' else?

I was 'bout t' offer m' assistance--what? I learn'd 'ow t' dress an' treat wounds wi' Nancy, o'er a' Vana's. A doctor, 'e was--when a voice echoed out, "So we meet again, eh, Lion?"' snicker I coulda 'ad wi' tha' statement. Aye! 'S me, yer arch nemesis! Fall'n righ' int' yer trap, eh?!

Lion-boy want'd t' crack 'is 'ead open on a wall, rightabout now. "You again?! Didn't you leave with whats-his-face?" Ah, hah, hah, hah, hah, poor sap.

'Parrently, i' wasn't m' turn t' speak, 'cause th' girl went on, "Yeah, but, y'know," tha' grin on 'er face made me want t' bash m' head

against th' wall. I liked 'er already. "I get bored easily."

I start'd t' wonder who was th' predator n' prey in this relationship. "Who's she?" I asked, an' wondered t' m'self, as a matter o' fact, who he was, too.
She held out 'er hand, "Kasumi, and yourself?"

I shook it, glad t' 'ave some sort'o, halfer contact. "Ennis." I did a half-bow.

She smirked, "Human, eh?"

Oh, joy. I nodded tigh'ly, "Gotta problem wi' it?" My voice was defensive, but not attackin'.

She 'eld up 'er 'ands in surrender, "None!" Kasumi turn'd t' Lion-boy, "So...a lot has changed, then?"

'E nodded, but then winced. 'Is wounds were worse th'n mine, I reckoned. Than' God halfers 'ealed faster. Mine only stung a bi', long 's I didn't move it much. Like a stake shov'd through yer palm--justa flesh wound, an' nothin' someone like me couldn't 'andle.

"Something wrong?" Kasumi sniffed the air, 'er eyes widenin' when she smell'd blood. Please let lion blood differ from human, God. I don' want t' be bandaged n' fixed--m'a man n' I c'n take it.

Jake got 'alf-way through 'is sentence 'fore she grabbed 'is arm n' started examinin' it. Lion start'd some halfheart'd chatter n' babbled on' 'bou' some 'whats-is-face'

"Who's 'whats-his-face?" I couldn't 'elp it. I 'ad t' know.

"Tamotsu. My friend. He's human, too, if that makes any difference." she explained, busy wi' Lion's arm.

"Ah. So m' no' th' only one? Neat." I shrugged, n' a pang o' fire shot through m' arm. I almost cursed, bu' passed i' off as coughin'. Needed t' clean i' if we e'er water. Forgot all 'bout infections, curse m' luck.

Wouldn't be too bad, e'en if worst came t' worst, bu' i' was ne'er too fun t' 'ave dirt in yer bones.



Hope this worked. I'm lazy.

(AT least mentoned)In th' post:
Kai was mentioned
