
Pierce -

I stopped dead, skidding in my steps as I saw Ice fall. I knew he hadn't been okay, d*mmit!

I snatched at Abby's sleeve, 'causing her to stop too, and ran off to Ice's aid. He had been bleeding really badly...Why had we made him run?!

I growled, deep in my throat, and felt Kai's hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and he gestured for me to move aside.

He looked at Ice's bleeding, unconscious body with eyes that had seen it all before. They were so sad...I could see as his eyes flashed, unfocused, remembering all of the people he had seen fall like this. "...I've seen worse." he said at last, ripping off bits of his shirt to place on Ice's wounds, every one that wasn't too serious.


bby kneeled down next to him, "Um...Please, let me do this. I'll help. It's not the most important thing to do...right? So let's save time." she stuttered nervously. Still shaky from all of the glares Kai had been shooting her way, probably. I didn't see anything out of place with that, though. Kai had always been suspicious about the nice people.

He looked at her hesitantly, but looked too tired to yell. "Right-o, girlie. Here," he handed her the bits of his torn shirt, directing her where to put them and how tightly, "Don't get me wrong," he reminded her, as soon as she started, "I'm only letting you because you did a bang-up job on Pierce and you can't screw this one up even if you tried."

He looked at me, sighing, his eyes weary, "Hurry," his voice was dead, "You have the vial I gave you earlier, right?"

I froze, remembering where I put it, then nodded, "Yeah." I fished it out of my back pocket, and tossed it to him.

Kai nodded, "Thank you. This'll only heal his worst wounds,'s better than nothing." he poured a little into Ice's mouth.

"Will that really help?" a quiet, worried new voice asked, and we all looked over to see Nanuke, staring down at her bloody mate.

Kai smiled reassuringly, finally dragged out of his thoughts. "Yeah, of course. He'll live for sure. Just make sure he doesn't stress his scars for the first hour after he wakes up. They'll be very volatile." He stepped out of the way so that Nanuke could get a better look at the wounds that were already starting to heal.

Abby finished quickly and stood up beside me, "Will he really be alright?" she asked worriedly.

I smiled, nodding, assured now that Kai had snapped out of it, "Yeah. Worked on you, didn't it?"

Ice slowly opened his eyes, and I looked at the group that was already long gone, the only one waiting for us was the guard, Ennis. I hoped for a moment that the group would get on okay without us.


Continue? :D
were all in this XD

Sorry we left you hanging for so long, YamiHita XD Hope that was okay.
