Moar Guards, Yes?

Pierce -

"My name is Sebastian," the name rolled off of his acidic tongue with sickening grace, "My good sir," Ohh, a sarcastic little halfer, now that was such an original quirk, "And it's my job to stop you." he smiled up at me, tilting his head. Ah, there was something to be said about true gentlemen of grace...

All of 'em were no good.

I heard Ice growl dangerously and a hissed, "Bloody knew it." echoed out from

Kai, who was now tensing and glaring. I sighed. Pity, pity, pity. I looked him up and down silently, my eyes catching on his cane. Sword. I had seen one before--used to carry one, actually. It had been stolen when I slept about a year back, but I could still recognize one of it's kind.

A second before I could make a move, Ice stepped forward, "He's mine, I'll hold him off while the rest of you go around him." he growled, eyes never leaving Sebastian.

Our dear bird, however, thought nothing of Ice's declaration. He actually seemed to be a bit put out at the suggestion that someone would fight him. He drew his sword swiftly, making his threat clear.
Whattta shocker.

I was only a little surprised when Ice revealed his own blade bounded up to him, and, in a single movement pinned Bird-brain's sword between his own and the wall. That was pretty cool. "Everyone! Go now!" he ordered roughly, giving Nanuke a forlorn look as she passed hesitantly.

I didn't move. Kai looked back at me, and I murmured as quietly as I could so that Ice wouldn't hear, "Go on, Kai. I'll join you in a second. Take care of the human and Abby until I can reach you." he looked like he was about to complain and I cut him off, "Now. I swear, I'll only be a second, Kai."

Kai knit his eyebrows together, but hesitantly nodded, following the others and nudging Ennis to go on. He walked forward a little, then gave Abby a harsh look and she followed.

I finally spoke up, "You didn't think you'd shake me, did ya, Ice?" I grinned and ran up to him.

He looked at me sternly, "You should go, Pierce." he grit his teeth, readying himself for when the bird would react.

"I will." I admitted, "But here." I gave him my dagger, and he looked at me, confused. "Just in case," I explained, "I wont need it while we're here. But, I do want it back, so make sure you win." I grinned widely at him.

He smiled wryly and nodded, "Will do, Pierce."

I waved goodbye, "Best of luck to you!"



I ran up to catch up with the group, making sure Abby was still tagging behind me by giving her random, sporadic glares.

I couldn't help it! I was a bitter little brat, and I knew it.

The group slowly began to halt and I looked up to see three or four guards--Huge, demented-looking, and angry. Just my type.

"Oh, goody." I muttered sarcastically. "The life of the party is here."

The guards called out something, "Schnell! Schnell! Eindringling!" they screamed in thickly accented voices, and, surely, more came. The accent sounded German, or something.

The panther kid, Moon, looked back at me, not looking angry or annoyed, just blandly amused, like I was, and added, "How dandy." he used the same deadpanned tone that I had recited earlier, "Even more."



I used...uh...

The guards were speaking german, cause I love that language, and said, "Quickly! Quickly! Intruder!"
Haha XD I'm lame.
I like to pretend that Moon is warming up to the idea of Kai joining them, so...yeh. XD
