Peace, My Friend.

Kai -

I threw my shoulders back as I walked, trying not to think about how stupid it was that I had come along to begin with.

What had I even been thinking? Bloody twit! That's what I was! I bit back a growl, because, really, if I made any negative noise at this moment, I would probably be tackled and killed on the spot.

It was Pierce's fault! He had to...too just look at me like that, okay! He just had to forgive me for going crazy and almost killing him! Then mentioning Maki and giving me a reason to agree! How could I say no?! I bit my lip.

I glanced at Pierce, who was constantly glancing between me, the quivering, bruised and bloodied guard-freak who was hesitantly leading the way, and the lithe little girl on his back. This made me muse. She didn't look much younger than Pierce, but was so...small and delicate that she looked almost like glass. She had only stirred a couple times in her sleep, whimpering or moaning sadly.

"Hey, Pierce...Is she sick?" I asked quietly, looking at the softly-snowing sky.

Pierce looked over at me, sighed, then smiled a bit, "Hm? Oh...Yeah. She stayed in the snow too long." he looked away, then shrugged. "But, hey, what'cha gonna do?" he sounded a little defeated as he walked a little faster, looked back at me, and gestured for me to hurry up.

I caught up to him, walking backwards and grinning, "Just a cold? Perfect, I have just the thing!" I dug down in my pockets until I found the little vile I stole from the scientists.

Pierce looked at me curiously, and a little suspiciously, "...And that is?" he asked, a bit of an odd look on his face.

There was a little forced smile on my face as I explained, "It's just something I picked up before I left, in case of emergencies." I shrugged, feeling my irises start to try to redden, and stopping them. "A miricle drug they were giving their brain-washed halfers. It cured anything from a bad cough to a sword through your gut, but they didn't use it much, 'cause it only worked on animals, or halfers. I wasn't fond of it, myself--made me feel like I was cheating the universe--but, it saved many a friend back there...until they found out that we'd been stealing it. But, it was worth having people dear to you around, even if it was just for a few seconds before they...before the inevitable took place." I tossed it at him, and looked forward, focusing my eyes on the snow. "Pour a little in her mouth, and she'll wake up good as new and walking in a few minutes...Then, just keep it. Save it for something special." I added, my eyes glazing over and my hair beginning to turn a depressed, muddy brown at mention of the past. I stopped the emotions before anyone could see.

No sense crying over more of the fallen, Kai. Be strong. Serve the universe only, and don't let them get their final satisfaction. Think puppies. Rainbows. Butterflies. Violence. Yes, happy place.

There was a silence, and I thought that Pierce wasn't going to say anything, but my thoughts were broken by a smooth, gleeful voice, "Really?...Thanks, Kai. It's perfect." I looked back to see a smile that shed all things that were still happy and innocent in this world...for a while, I really wanted Pierce's smiles to stay that way. If there was nothing else in the world to live for, I hoped Pierce would keep smiling. "You can call us even." he declared, giving the...I paused a minute and examined her, opening my scientifically-added senses to see what she was...ah, yes, he gave the bird-girl some of the medicine, grinning up at me after a moment and mouthing, "Thanks so much."

My heart thudded a little, and and my hair slipped to a snow-white shade as I grinned back, shrugging, "Jeez, and here I was so worried that I'd never be able to make it up to you." I joked, then let out the breath I hadn't known I'd been holding. "Anytime." And I meant it. I would help him anytime he needed me.

I glanced at the whitherng man who was leading the way...A pang of pity flashed through me. This little redhead man might be a horrible person who would kill any sigle one of us on a whim, but...It didn't mean I couldn't pity him, did it? He looked so scared...I knew what it was like to be abducted by people you didn't know, and even resented...My hair turned a sad, mousey brown as I walke over to the quivering man, who had been strpped of his jacket, and looked down at him as he flinched, cluthing at his red-welted neck, as if to guard it from me.

My eyebrows furrowed. Had I really done that...God, I was such a prick. I leaned down to his height, and looked at him, "Hey...You okay?" I asked, quietly.

He shuddered, walking a little faster, "...G-Go away...I...I swear I'll show ya the place, okay?...Oh, God...Miss...Miss Vana will kill me..." he whimpered, trying not to meet my gaze.

I bit my lip, leaning down again, "Shh, no, you'll be okay." I took off my jacket and gave it to him, "Here, you must be cold. S'alright, I didn't do anything to it, I was just wearing it." He reluctantly shrugged it on, involentarily giving a little sigh of relief.

He looked suspiciously at me, "...Th' hell do y-you even want? Ya hate me, I hate you, so jus' go away." he looked down, "'M dead, either way."

My hair got browner as I looked down at the poor guy. He looked like a lost child who had been misled all his life and suddenly ddn't know what to think. "You don't 'ave to be...We're not bad people, little one. Once you show us where to go, you can leave. No one is your master. No one but you. This 'Vana' woman...Your boss? If she would kill you, she is no boss for you. Love, live, be free, child."

The man was beginning to walk a little strighter, and not cower so far way, "Where will I go?...I was framed fer murder, mate. Miss Vana...she sed' she'd help me if I'd work fer 'er. I agree'd, an' s'not like I didn't plan on workin' fer her--I'm an honest man...or, I was...But, she used 'er money t' set me free, th' innocent man I was...But, y'see, soon, I saw wha' she was doin'...Catchin' li'l creatures like you an' keepin' 'em as pets...S'not a good thing t' get involved with, mate. Not at all. She sed' I'd work a' kill fer 'er, or I'd be worse than dead.

"I saw wha' she did t' the others who tried t' set 'er 'pets' free...Ya don't wanna rise 'gainst tha', I'll tell ya...She told me...treat ya like dirt. Make 'er seem all th' better when she came round t' gather their 'love'. I just...I jus' don't wanna die, mate. M'so sorry." His eyes were downcast, "'Ow would I expect t' escape s'mone t' whom I owe m'life? S'mone who could take m'life?...I can't fully repent fer m' sins, but I wish ya'd forgive me...Seems like you've got yer up's n' down's, too." he sighed, looking away. "We're almost there, by th' by." he muttered.

I put my hand on his shoulder, "I was right. After we get there, leave. Make your own future, little one. Live a new life, with new people, in a new beginning. You can do it, if you'll try."

He looked over at me, "Why're ya callin' me names like 'm a kid? M'older than you are, mate. By at least ten years."

I grinned a little, ruffling his hair before walking back to catch up with Pierce, "Doesn't matter how old you are, 'mate'. Like a child, you've still got a lot to learn. Best of luck, my friend. Lead on."

The girl was slowly starting to wake up, and was currently tumbling alongside Pierce, leaning heavily on his arm in her not-quite awake stupor. When he got a chance to look up, Pierce raised an eyebrow and chuckled, "Same old Kai, eh? Still trying to make peace everywhere he touches. Good luck with that." he grinned, patting my head affectionately.

I stuck my tongue out, "Yeah, yeah, Cow-boy. Thanks for your godly wishes for luck."

We were about to continue our banter when an angry voice ran out behind me, "What were you talking about with that evil guard? Seems like you were too buddy-buddy to be up to any good. Pierce, I think he's on their side. Do something about it."


Continue? That random voice can be anyone, y'know, if you've been stuck in a 'what-am-I-supposed-to-do' stupor, then please include yerself :D

Random Guard.
Random Halfer.(anyone who wants to be it)

Oh, Kai and your many mood swings. (sorry for my too-long posts that go nowhere plot-wise)
