
Pierce -

I tied together my fishnet sleeves until they were almost fabric, then used the bathroom in the hotel to wet the make-shift cloth.
I sighed, then placed the cold rag over the small girl's forehead, wincing as she shuddered.

I sat back down on the floor, watching Abby as she battled a fever, her face flushed and eyebrows furrowed. She looked like she was having a nightmare.
I got up and paced for a moment, constantly checking outside of the small room to ensure there would be no more guards.

I looked down. Still none, thank the Gods. I walked back over to see Abby whimpering. I leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead before reclaiming my place on the floor.

How did this happen, anyway? Abby had helped remove those wretched bullets from my bloddied arm, and then...I dunno, somehow we ended up kissing. I blushed, frowning at my hands...

Why had I done that...? I smirked a little as I remembered one of the long repeated conversations I would hold with Maki's older brother. Kai.

"Oi, Pierce!" The familiar voice was one of the most entrancing I'd ever heard as it's owner ruffled my hair affectionately.
I shook off the tan boy's hand, "Oi what, Kai?" I returned the boy's mischeivious grin as he met my eyes eagerly.
"I've discovered the answer to every question in the whole world!!" The childish grin on the boy with silver hair's face grew drastically as I began to try to measure the lameness of what would surely be in his answer.
I deadpanned, but then gave up and just gave a weary smile, "And, Sir Einstien? What is this grand answer?"
A lanky arm snaked around my shoulders as Kai stated proudly, "Sexual tension."
I sighed, "What?" I snickered, "Sorry, Kai, but you're off your rocker. Good luck with the crazies."
"No, seriously! If you can't think of an answer, then that's, it! Try it, man!"
I gave him a look, "Okay, fine. Why does everyone hate us?" I recited the question that we made fun of the most. Back when everyone around us didn't matter 'cause we were never lonley with each other.
"Sexual tension. They can't handle how utterly sexy and amazing we are." Kai flipped his shoulder-length hair back to excentuate the 'sexy' remark.
I burst out laughing, "Yeah. But wouldn't that answer get, oh, I dunno, awkward sometimes?" I asked, knowing I could dampen his spirits.
Kai wasn't affected, "Nope! It's fool-proof, Piercey!" he kept his air of arrogance about him no matter what, was the thing with Kai. I always admired that.
"Uh-huh? So, Kai, why are you always coming to me with such stupid ideas?" I asked, challenging his ultimate answer.
At this, he finally faltered, "...Uh...Sexual tension...?" he tried, but began laughing hysterically. "Well, if the ultimate answer says so, it must be true!" he waggled his eyebrows at me, but failed at looking serious. He was still desprately laughing.
I smirked and laughed too, "Sorry, man! No offense, but you're not my type!" I countered.
"Because of sexual tension." he chimed in musically.

The last thing I remember about that day was Maki scolding us about how improper such words were. And laughter. So much laughter and so many more bad jokes...Just memories of better times.

I couldn't help but grin at the memory. That answer may not apply here, but it was good for a smile.

I sighed sadly, still smiling. "Sorry, Kai. Your ultimate answer fails yet again."

Abby muttered something unintelligible, and I quickly re-wet my make-shift rag and placed it on her head.

I smiled a little as I sat down again. I didn't know why I kissed her. It was terrible for her fever and did cause her to pass out, but...I looked at the little smile that was on Abby's face and gently put my hand over hers.

I would wath over her and keep her safe from the guards until she woke up. I would at least keep one halfer safe as the rest battled somewhere else.

I hoped for all I was worth that they'd be alright.


Abby was the only one other than Pierce in this post! ^^;

Hope this was okay, it had a little bit about back when Kai lived with him at the orphanage. Back when they were little and willing to laugh at anything. XD
