Updated Profiles of Kari and Claudia

Username: HanakoAnimeaddict (Abyss)

Name: Kari

Nickname: None (someone could make one up, as long as I don't strongly dislike it)

Type of Animal: Cat

Animal Appearance: Silver with a M like shape on forehead (like a Maine Coone!) The clothes magically disappear! Not so much reappear...as you see when she...um...

Age: 19

Birthdate: May 6

Eyecolor: Aqua

Gender: Female

Hair style: Kept down and straight.

Hair color: Silver

Full outfit: It is black and similar to an assassin's outfit. She wears normal clothing when not on a "mission" which consist of a t-shirt and jeans. But if you catch her flirty, playful side, you'll see her in a dress that might be blue or green...only Prince will see this side.

Unusual human features: She has a fluffy tail and sharp canines. She can grow claws, but prefers not to.

Weapon: Sword, but sometimes she carries herbs to heal others. She now has a pocket knife she 'bought' just for Jethro.

Personality: Passionate, short tempered, loud, arrogant at times, caring, sometimes deathly calm, dense, in battle she's ruthless, cunning.

Interests: Flowers, other cats, friends, peace, training, killing Jethro.

Dislikes: Scientist, doctor, vet, fish (weird, right?), mutts (Jethro), girly stuff.

Fears: Dogs, water, perverts, any mobile vehicle

Past: Kari was a normal human until this scientist found her. Experimented on,
she began to loath him. Eventually, they mutated her with a Maine Coone. This made her furious! She fought her way out, stealing a legendary blade along the way. Returning home, she finds out her parents are the reason she's the way she is. She takes her sister, who was already contaminated, and ran away, swearing she would never return. Three years later, she meets others like her and her younger sister. And her journey continues with the other halfies!

Relationship/Crush: Prince (crush), Jethro (HATES!), Claudia (sister)

Family: unnamed mother and father. Has a sister called Claudia, but Kari calls her Cloud.

Friends: Unimportant because she broke their relationship three years ago.

Picture: Normal-ish
Playful side (with a dress?)


Name: Claudia

Nickname: Cloud (generally Kari calls her that)

Type of animal: Otter

What they look like animal: A river otter that resembles a ferret. She has russet fur.

Age: 11

Birthdate: January 2 (same as three friends, I think)

eye color: Cerulean

gender: Female!

Hair style: In piggytails and also straight. Bit messy.

Hair color: Dark brown, almost black.

Full outfit: Usually wears a dress or a blouse with a skirt. If fighting, some old t-shirt and baggy pants.

Unusual features: looks like a normal human.

Weapon: Karate(red belt)

Personality: Carefree, silly, optimistic, but mature. This is how she got Cloud as a nickname. Also has gotten a short-temper as of recently (especially for a certain dog.) She is known for beating up people before asking questions--more likely than not they're unconscious before that!

Interest: Makeup, clothes, dolls, make believe!, water, relationships

Dislikes: Fighting, and mutts

fears: Heights, bugs, reptiles

past: she was kidnapped by a scientist. He tested on her while Kari was on a school trip. He told the parents to get her, they would have to give Kari. Before being given back, he made her part otter. She cried when Lari never returned. The rest is in Kari's past.

Relationship/Crush: Jethro (loves/hates), Prince (...future brother-in-law), Kari (sister)

Family: unnamed parents. Has a sister, Kari.

Friends: A lot of people!

picture: Her hair is down and recently cut.
