
Pierce - Don't get me wrong, I had come to trust the pack a little after having that odd heart-to-heart with Ice...

But the very thought of any of those grimey mutts touching Maki sent chills down my spine. (Sorry, pack, I hold grudges)

That's how I ended up transporting my little wolf friend to the village destination. I carried her on my back, careful not to jostle her as I walked.

At first, I walked alone, in the back of our little derranged group of halfers, lost in thought again.

You see, Maki had been waking up, on and off for the past hour or so.], so my mood had lightened considerably.

That female wolf (her name was Nanuke, I think) actually did a good job tending to Maki's wounds. Her tactics to get me to carry Maki could've been more subtle, but, whatever. She just didn't get the fact that I'd always be willing to help out Maki. No matter what.

"Hey." a voice came from behind me, maing me jump.

I whirled around to see Ice, looking at me curiously. I sighed, this was the second time he's shocked me from behind...!

I nodded at him, "Hello." I smiled slightly.

"How is she?" he asked, nodding towards Maki.

I smiled dryly, "She's doing a lot better." I sighed, "I was really worried for a while..."

Ice nodded, falling into step with me.

We walked in silence for a while. Honestly, I enjoyed not feeling obligated to say anything, but just bask in the silence.

Suddenly, a black blur flew past us, causing me to jump back in surprise, and earning a confused whimer from Maki.

Ice cocked his head, then his eyes widened and he was racing after the wolf.

I stared at where they had gone--my first reaction would've been to follow them, but I was carrying someone, and running wouldn't really help out.

I sighed, and kept walking. I was starting to learn how weird wolves were.

Maki - My eyes flickered open, and the first thing I noticed was that I was being carried.

I nearly jumped out of my skin, I yelped.

Pierce winced in surprise at my loud outburst, "Wha--Oh, Maki! You awake?"

I nodded slightly, "Y-Yeah..." my voice was raspy and quiet.

Pierce beamed at me, "That's great! You were out for a while." he grinned.

"What happened? Is Thunder...?"

"Dead!" Pierce chirped--a bit too gleefully to be healthy for him--"You got him distracted and hurt, and a few others took over from there. You actually missed this one...He ran off a few minutes ago. He was a really good guy; Ice was his name." Pierce went on.

I smiled a little dispite myself, "So you made a friend?" I smiled at him.

He considered the word, "...Yeah. I guess so. He's not bad, anyway." he shrugged.

I giggled, he hardly ever seemed to be in such high spirits! "That's great, Pierce!"

He nodded, "I'm glad you're awake, Maki." he sighed.

I smiled again weakly, "Me too."
