"Not Your Fault"

Pierce - I stared at the wolf who was explaining his tradgety to me, someone who didn't trust his pack in the slightest.

But...I couldn't help but feel somewhat at ease with the wolf. He understood how I felt. He seemed...decent. The sorrow and guilt within his eyes matched mine.

I looked down, "'It's not your fault'..." I muttered.

"What?" he asked, confused my my tone.

"That's what they always tell you, right? That's what they say, over and over. 'No one blames you', 'it's not your fault'...I hate hearing them, and I have a feeling you do, too..." I sighed and looked down. "Because it never feels true. You never believe it...Because I blame me. I know it's my fault. We're never going to believe those words of comfort until they come from the mouths of those we have wronged...but usually, that will never happen. I got so lucky with Maki..." I whispered. Long-supressed memories flooding back to me. My parents...Maki's brother...I've lived throught this before.

Ice looked at me, understanding in his eyes, "This is not the first time for you, is it?"

I shook my head, but then said before he could ask the obvious, "And I don't want to talk about it."

He nodded, his eyes far away, "...I miss him...Shadow, I mean. Everyone thinks that you can just get over it, but when lives are torn away from you before your eyes..." he sighed, "It feels like your fault. No matter what anyone says." he agreed, then looked down, "It was my fault." he whispered brokenly.

I looked at Ice, searching his face for any sign of deciet, then sighed, nodding. "Mine too."

There was a companionable silence as we sat next to each other, not wallowing in sorrow, but accepting it for all it could ever be.

I heard Sky say quietly that we would be traveling to a village with the wolves, but all my anger was gone and I could merely sigh and wonder if Maki would be okay.

Maki - My eyes were fluttering rappidly. Getting random images of what was happening around me. There was another wolf above me, examining my wounds.

Speaking of wounds, I hurt. Everywhere felt like it was on fire. I whimpered, shifting painfully.

Looks like I had lived...

That was all I could process before passing out again.


Pierce has twisted opinions on things, huh?
Pierce: Hey!
Me: >->...Well, it's true.
