
Pierce - I really didn't know what to think anymore...what to feel...I felt bitter. I felt empty. I felt...angry. I felt very, very angry. Somehow, I kept all of this hidden behind my serene mask.

I looked down at the hurt wolf in front of me, and ripped my shirt into strips to bind her wounds. She looked like she was having a nightmare, she was whimpering and squirming; I understood her emotions, for I felt like I was living one. I had been right there, watching her be attacked. What had I done? Nothing. She could've died, and I had done nothing.

I hardly could feel anything going on, anymore. I heard the other wolves. Speaking to Sky. Coaxing our group into trusting them. Liars. my mind hissed spitefully. I didn't trust them, not when I couldn't even trust myself. They had done nothing. They wouldn't have cared if Thunder had killed her. They had trusted Thunder, they had been his pack.

I hated them for it. All of them. Just as I hated myself.

I only noticed that the tears had begun to fall when some landed on Maki, dampening her fur. I slammed my fist into the ground, convulsing.

After a few minutes, I had stopped. As I had expected, and somewhat hoped, no one noticed my outburst. They were distracted with one another, musing about how lucky they were. How no one had to really get involved. How no one had really gotten hurt.

This made anger flare up inside of me once more. 'No one'...I laughed without a trace of humor. That was right, huh? No one. That was how groups worked. The ones no one noticed--they didn't exist. If the number of wounded or casualties weren't over half of the group, it was nothing important.

I looked over Maki again, petting her head gently, resisting the urge to cry. Her breathing was steady, her wounds tended. I needed to go think.

I stood up silently, and looked around almost everyone was in their own crowds talking and musing except...

I walked over and stood in front of Hana, "Are you alright?" I asked quietly.

She nodded tightly, her expression unreadable. She was about to say something when Fai walked up, so I decided that she would be alright.

I turned on my heels and strode out of the crowd, away from the mass and to a quiet corner out of sight, where I promptly continued to lose myself in my thoughts.
