Guilt and Blood

Maki - I stared at the fighting wolves, wincing and shuddering with every blow that drew blood. The male, whose name was Thunder, was wounded by now, and fortunately losing. The others, unfortunately, were hurt just as badly.

I looked down dejectedly, I had been useless, in the end. I hadn't done anything but tire him and scratch him, and because of that, the others were getting hurt. I held back my whimpers.

I was almost tempted to join them and help them out, but doubt stopped me in my tracks. Why would they want a failure like me? I was pointless, so why bother? I should just leave them alone.

I shuddered violently as Thunder hit Dani, drawing blood. "Ugh..." I yelped.
I probably shouldn't have said that.

Everything happened quite quickly at that point. At the same time I heard Pierce yell my name, I head a fierce growl, and saw Thunder lunger at me, latching onto my shoulder.

I cried out in pain, and ripped myself free somehow, he growled at me again, amused, "So you're the weakest link of these stupid wolf-halfers? You freaks. I'll kill you guys first, then the rest of your little group." he grinned and snappd at me again, somehow I managed to dodge. "But, why not start with you?"

I glared at him, "You can't kill them; they're better than that." he shrugged off my bite on his leg.

He snorted, "As if halfers could be better than anythi--"

A feral growl ripped through my lips as I lost it, "Shut up!" I lunged at him and ripped into his flank. "You know nothing!" I yelled, slicing open his leg.

He let out a quiet surprised yelp, then growled back, "What? You finally grow a spine? Not enough to save your useless ass." He bit me, but I ignored it--I never got to fight or yell, so I asn't going to be stopped.

I let a grin sneak onto my face, twisted with anger, "How many times do I have to tell you..." I readied myslf to attack, "You. Know. Nothing!!" I lunged at him, focsing all my anger and stress into a fierce attack.

As soon as I detached myself, I felt my legs crumbling beneath me. I was exhausted,and I was bleeding. A lot. My vision was blacking out. I didn't know how bad Thunder was wounded--I didn't care. I just hoped had wore him down enough to make him easy for the others.

"A-Alright, guys...I'm done...You...guys can finish him off..."


Pierce - I saw Maki fall, and immediately, I was leaning over her. She was alive. She was breathing...But she was hurt. Badly.

"Oh, God, Maki...It's okay...You'll be okay..." I whispered words of comfort to her unconscious body. She would live, but she would be in a lot of pain or a long time.

I didn't bother to see how Thunder was, but I hoped Maki had killed the freak. If she didn't, then I was sure the othe would. I hope he dies/died painfully.
