Profile: Alina

Ok so the new comer is ACL production that be the one who moved away and is also the one who started Random Rivals with me she also is the one who is my conscience and gave me my nick name Tenshi Meo
Alina a.k.a ACL
Age: 18
Favorite Color:?
Favorite food: Pocky stick
Best Friends: Elizabeth, Sandra, Brittney
She is a great friend and it be awesome if you people subscribe her she is really caring and the coolest friend to know.
She and I were the creators of Random Rivals I decided to create a serious with her since she was my rival for drawing and then we decided to make it even more interesting by adding people like Mario then other people from different anime's.
When she left I decided to continue with our friend Elizabeth who draws just as amazing as her. So want to know more on ACL go and visit her profile.
