The Dark Ages are Over....Mostly...

I have been having a cruddy winter- a sad experience for the cold loving fiend, such as myself. Winter has so far consisted of a terrible cold, SAT practice, wisdom teeth extraction, the oral surgeon messing up said teeth extraction, the utter disappointment in knowing that even if the finals are aced, the report card will have mostly B's, and the attainment of a terrible Trojan that destroyed the innards (of the computer, of course). I managed to clean up most of the wicked stuff in my computer's registry, although it bothers me that some of the files are still there. They are harmless now, but it still manages to urk me. Finals will be over soon (after this week), so the torture of failure and disappointment will temporarily vanish. My teeth no longer ache, and my terrible cold has faded away (although now I am catching something else).

The Dark Ages are over.....mostly.....

Oh a happier note, after not logging into the Otaku for so long, it pleased me to see the birthday wishes. Although I did not reply to most of the messages, I am very grateful and appreciate the gesture- I hope everyone reading this receives a bounty of new year's luck. (BUT if the luck don't hit you, it ain't my fault. Your ancestors might have cursed you.)

P.S. My Blog Buddy, ichi haze has been inactive lately (although, coming from me, it does not mean much), so I need a new one. Please comment here if you would like to be my Blog Buddy! For those who do not know, a Blog Buddy (patent pending) is someone you agree to exchange blog comments with- it is nice to know that people actually read your blogs, eh?
