Welcome to the Checkmate Arcade, your home for quarter munching fun. Each week we'll tell you what video games we've been playing and give you the hottest news right off the presses. We'll throw in the NPD numbers, top 5 lists, and release dates that are Coming Soon to round out the show as well. So, come on by each week for a great time.

Don't forget to send us an email at [email protected].

Episode 3 - COD Multiplayer

This week we order you to get a game, ask you nicely not to get another game, rag on cellphone games, talk about the stores we get our games from, and much more.

In our strategy section, Jason gives you a rundown of Call Of Duty 4 multiplayer.

Show Link:

You can get the RSS feed here: http://realmworx.hipcast.com/rss/checkmate_arcade.xml
Or check out the iTunes music store to subscribe.

Episode 2 - Bringing It Hard!

This week we give you a disjointed run through Half Life 2. Plus the news of the week.

Link to Devil May Cry Blog post: http://blog.capcom.com/archives/839
Link to penny arcade strip: http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2008/02/06

Show Link:

You can get the RSS feed here: http://realmworx.hipcast.com/rss/checkmate_arcade.xml
Or check out the iTunes music store to subscribe.