Chapter Thirty-Nine: But why??


Mom and dad got home on Sunday and then they made me go to the doctors because of me leg. It wasn’t like I could hide it from them now I have to take antibiotics and walk around on crutches for then next few weeks until I go in for a check up. And on Monday when I met up with Miyuki that was a fun trip.

“Morning Miyuki.” I said and at fist she stared at me then sighed and shook her head.

“What am I going to do with you?” she questioned.

“Um…I don’t know.” I answered shrugging my shoulders.

“So how long do you have to stay on the crutches?” We started towards school.

“For a couple of weeks.” I answered simply.

“How long is a couple of weeks?” Mi asked.

“6 to 8 weeks.” I groaned, “Which means I’m missing the winter ball.”

“Oh…” She had a bit of disappointment in her voice.

“Hey come on now, you’ll have Kenji there at least so you won’t be alone.” I smiled a little.

“I know, but I wanted you to be there too.” Then punched the arm that had the cut on it.

“Ow.” I muttered.

“Sorry I forgot your arm was hurt too.” She apologized right away.

“It’s alright don’t worry about it.” I smiled and we continued walking.

We really didn’t say much after that. Ever since the Cascading heart shattered in Pairs I haven’t been really acting like my self. I don’t understand what’s wrong with me but it has something to do with that artifact. Everyday it get’s harder and harder to control my emotions, and sometimes I just have to try and avoid Miyuki all day. And today seems to be one of those days. It didn’t help that we had a class together close to the end of the day.

“Kuori, what’s wrong?” Miyuki asked sitting down next to me at the table.

“It’s nothing.” I smiled at her and then went back to doing my work.

“You’re not acting like yourself that’s why I asked.” She commented.

“Thanks for the concern but I’m alright, I’m just getting a bit of a headache is all.” I responded.

“Then why don’t you go and lay down?” Mi asked.

“Alright, I think I’ll do that.” I nodded and I got up and asked the teacher if I could go to the nurse’s office.

‘Damn it. It’s only getting worse by the second.’ I thought and went into the nearest bathroom and got into a stall. As soon as I got in the stall the headache faded and I didn’t feel as bad. Some of my hair fell into my face and it was red. “What the hell?” I muttered. “Why did I just suddenly change?” I changed back to myself and went back to class.

“Hey kid.” I heard someone say form behind me.

I turned around and it was one of the younger jocks that pretty much played every sport. Along with all of his annoying followers.

“What?” I asked in a monotone.

“Don’t what me do you know who I am?” He asked.

“You’re a brat who thinks that they can just push anyone around.” I commented and that ticked him off.

He and his followers came at me and I simply knocked them out but of course I’m the one that gets in trouble now I’m sitting in the principles office.

“But sir they came at me first I didn’t do anything they ran into each other.” I said. I was telling the truth too that’s what they get for all coming at me at once.

“For now I have to say that because I don’t know what happened I am just going to send you home for the rest of the day.” He sighed and leaned back in his chair. “I have already called you mother go and get your things.” He said and I stood up and walked out of the office.

I saw Mi at her locker and I stopped. “I have to go home.” I told her.

“Are you feeling that sick?” She asked worried.

“No, some of the underclassmen tried to pick a fight with me and all came at me at once so I simply moved out of the way they all clonked heads and I get in trouble for it. I’m not suspended or expelled luckily.” I sighed.

“Ok, I’ll visit you after school then.” She said and I smiled a little at her.

“Don’t worry I’ll be alright, talk to you later.” I waved and went to my locker to get my bag then went back to the office where my mom was waiting.

“I can’t believe you got in a fight.” My mother scolded as we drove home.

“I didn’t get in a fight.” I muttered.

“Yes you did.” Mom said.

“No, I moved out of the way and they ran into each other. I didn’t do anything.” I told her.

“I’m sorry to say but you’re grounded, you can’t go to the winter ball this Saturday.” Mom said and I stared at her.

“But mom…” She cut my off.

“No buts, you’re grounded. Now go to your room.” She ordered when we got out of the car.

I walked to my room and fell onto the bed. “I hate my life.” I muttered into the pillow.
