Two down, one to go. Plus surprise party

Yesterday my family on my Dad's side came over for the Christmas party we were having. It was pretty fun! And lasted longer than I thought it would. But god we had to prep for it all the morning and noontime beforehand.

The house was, I wouldn't say a mess, but it was definitely not company material. XD So, we spent a good four hours cleaning up and that involved vacuuming, dusting, wiping down everything, cleaning the garage, moving a table out to put a new one in, and a lot of other stuff. Then I had to help my grandmother cook for 10 other people coming in. We had my grandfather's signature gumbo and potato salad, both recipe's obviously made from scratch. It was enjoyable, but god damn I never wanna mash potatoes again in my life. XD my arm feels like it's 5x bigger than my other arm now.

People came and we mingled for a while and ate. Then, it was present time~ I didn't really get much, which I was never really picky on how much I got or what it was. But I wanna say the best present in the house was the shadow box my dad was working on for my grandfather's veteran flag. He made it for my aunt because he already had my great grandfather's flag. He started tearing up after giving it to her and walked off to his room to try and calm down. Of course, that didn't last long... But it got better after my grandmother and I consoled him and gave him a hug. I didn't want to cry, so I had to be the big man. I miss my grandfather, too...

Anyways! So yeah shortly after everyone left and my dad was feeling better so he wanted for me to play backgammon with him, which I creamed him!!! >:D --after the third attempt the third attempt. ^^; I was cracking jokes the whole time and making him laugh, so I wasn't really concentrating on my moves. XP

So, that was my night with the daddy side~~ today we have the mommy side~~~ part 1. That's right! My mom's parents are divorced! So tomorrow!!!!!! I have to go to another party. XD it's to my mom's dad's side, which I figured they weren't doing anything this year since we usually go to them first, but I guess I was wrong~. Anyways, I just woke up and have to get dressed. I hear people pulling up already.
