
You know, more than half the reason I come to this site is gone now. What's sad is I'm still getting chewed from my posts and it's like I'm not even trying to complain in them anymore. I also still have people asking how I am doing and if I'm okay and that this shouldn't have happened. Was Tea's and my relationship really that big? Look, I get that back before we started dating everyone, literally EVERYONE, on chat knew it was going to happen. I'm sure that on both sides people were like "you guys should go ahead and start dating!" We did and it was a big deal for her and me. I understand that 4 years of dating seems somewhat like a long time, our relationship looked great in the beginning to you guys and I would like to agree. You know, the whole relationship was very mixed between us. A lot of it was great, we had great times. We've also had very bad times where we wanted to rip each other's throats out and feed the body to a pit full of cannibals. But, people... it's over between us. She's already stopped loving me and I'm not trying to pursue her. Yeah, I would love to be with her and she will always be in my heart, but it's not happening. And don't worry about us. She's happy right now and, in all honesty, I'm happy for her and I hope she finds someone who could do what I couldn't. And don't worry about me. I am grateful for all of you who are worried and care about my health and mentality. Yes, I have depression. Yes, it's the severe chemical imbalance kind of depression instead of the "eventually I'll get over it" depression. Yes, I am horrifically sad almost all the time now. Am I going to write more depressing posts? Most likely because that's how I am. Am I trying to tone it down? Yes. But don't worry about me because I will be okay. I'm not dead yet after all. XD Just please stop messaging me relating to my previous relationship. And if you're messaging Tea about the same thing, please stop. Neither of us really want to deal with the past couple of months anymore. You guys are great and I really appreciate wanting to help us, but we'd rather talk about how awesome anime is or music or whatever. Now's not a great time to be asking how we are in regards to the relationship or our current stance on each other. It sucks and I wish this all never happened, but it did and there's really nothing I can do about it right now. If somehow, and I mean that's a really really big "if", but if somehow we were to get better and start dating again, then it happens. We're not enemies, but we're not friends either. If anything were "talking" at the moment and right now that's as far as it's going to go. I have shit I have to prove before it gets any further and there's things I still need to do. But right now we don't really want to hear anymore about what has happened. So, please? Please stop messaging us unless it pertains to something else? <:3
